Perry Naquin you also left out the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Civilians do not on military grade weapons you can’t on F 22‘s you can’t on nuclear weapons and by the way the military M4 is significantly different than the civilian AR or even the civilian version of the M4. The military version has three round burst plus it has a shorter barrel. Plus the second amendment is enshrined in the United States Constitution in the Bill of Rights which also includes the right to freedom of speech freedom of press freedom of assembly A right to a speedy and fair trial the name of you and if it could be repealed and so can any of your other rights, keep that in the back of your head

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=292906&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1390290

Trish Thompson it doesn’t matter if these people have a gun and knife a sword a bomb or car they will find ways to kill people or they’ll just find illegal guns to use. Can you imagine a bomb going off at a school and killing hundreds of kids including teachers? Oh can you imagine somebody going on a stabbing or a slashing spree chopping students to bits nothing will ever change until we address the mental issues going on with people 30 years ago during hunting season you can bet your bottom dollar that there was guns and half the vehicle was in the school parking lot nobody ever got shot or killed what happened what changed? I’ll answer my own question on this the lack of mental institutions they let crazy people run free without treatment and these people are just itching and dying to hurt somebody and also as long as they’re running free they’re going to hurt people and they’re going to get more brutal and more deadly as time goes by Think about this you have one wolf he gets in to a pasture with 100 sheep that wolf can kill all of the sheep in that pasture and it will be nothing the sheep can do about it same way with these crazy people they just have a very brutal mentality

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=292906&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1390291