Tracy Wiswall some countries around the world chop peoples hands and heads off, other countries like Russia who invaded Ukraine, the current war in Syria, China and its human right violations.
The USA is like everywhere else all have violence and all have crime.

We have a history now of trying to push the blame toward guns and not towards people.
We are never going to be able to stop bad people from doing bad things. Criminals which are law breakers will just love up to the name law breakers and break any law we make saying you can't own one.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=293123&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1391256

This is the cost of widespread gun availability and a gun culture. More guns = more violence and death.
People frequently say it's not the gun , it's down to who is holding it.
Absolute garbage, societies with strict gun control and low gun ownership have massively lower gun violence, this is unarguable fact.
The problem is that in the USA, guns are everywhere, 400 million firearms in circulation.
Until the majority of people decide enough is enough and serious , meaningful gun control measures are introduced, the tragedy will continue.
Unfortunately, while tens of millions want guns and more guns, there is little chance of progress

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=293123&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1391255

Deniz Onac I agree with yes the movies, music, and video games are very violent amd can be a massive issue to the problem.
But guns aren't what's killing people. It's the people who picked up a tool. A tool that can feed your family by hunting animals, protect you from someone who wants to hurt or rob you, stop a animal from killing your pet.

Guns get the blame and the people who do the horrible deed get ignored most of the time.

If someone wants to get a gu. You could ban every weapon and go take by force all the known guns and some unknown. Ban gun manufacturers from selling in the USA, and would that stop gun violence? No

People can buy on the black market, just like how coke and meth and drugs are here but illegal

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=293123&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1391252

Chris Tufts Read the whole comment. The 2nd Amendment, refers to a well regulated militia. Not a bunch of crazy yahoos with guns. It is insanity to think every American is mentally and emotionally stable enough to own a gun or that every American inherently knows how to properly secure and use guns is.
The military requires 2 weeks of classroom training, before a weapon is issued to someone in basic training. Then only one round at a time is given, to zero the weapon. Then three weeks at the range, before being tested. That is what is well regulated means.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=293123&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1391257

Father, please comfort the families. Cause this tragedy not to break us, but to call us to action. Let true and intentional conversations begin and not stop. Let committees be formed in every jurisdiction, where Safe Centers can be open (24hrs) to take anonymous calls from those who are in crisis, feeling suicidal or homicidal - even Safe Centers where overwhelmed parents are able to safely drop off their child/children for 24 to 72 hours and pick up their child/children without retribution or punishment.

People are hurting. And there need to be safe outlets, for their sake and for ours.

We cannot keep responding with prayers virgils and marches. We know better and together, we can and must do better! Many Churches, Ministries, Leaders are sitting behind their bubbled robotic programs. One is not reaching to the other, in conversation. There is no unity. Yet, we say we L-O-V-E JESUS.

The Muslims, the Buddhists, the Jehovah Witnesses are not buying into the Gospel of JESUS Christ, because they see: Christians are NOT showing love - even within our own circles.

There is more U-N-I-T-Y found in religions that do not profess JESUS Christ, YAHUSHUA, as Savior of the World. There is something gravely wrong with that!

If we do not show TANGIBLE care and concern, one for another; if we do not stop honoring reasons to divide us and intentionally choose to come together as ONE BODY: we will continue to suffer tragic losses as these four (4) lives - where we have three (3) beautiful, athletic, and promising sons that we will never be graced with again on this side. And we have the loss of one (1) troubled mind whose misguided decisions will lead to a catastrophe of loss and grieving to his family and families of our three (3) beautiful sons.

Please! We can do more and must do more - in every community. Please! We cannot afford not to.

Sister Dina
Georgia, USA

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=293123&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1391253