Summer DC I live in Kentucky and now anyway, and we are in the top 10 I believe of drug deaths, drug addiction, child abuse cases in the nation. I know these people that work in CPS offices are extremely overworked and underpaid and I agree some of them are they’re floating by but I believe there are so many and the majority I would say are there because they care and they want to help and it’s overwhelming and their paycheck is not keeping them there they could make more money at a factory. In some instances I truly believe more people care, then do not.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=298318&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1411583

Summer DC this reminds me so much of the Josh Powell case where he murdered his wife and they suspected him, and he still got to have visitations with his children and he ended up murdering them and himself and the grandparents tried so hard to keep those little babies away from Josh, I remember the minute it was flashed across the TV screen in Seattle that Josh Powell had murdered his kids. Our social services systems are overwhelmed and without help they are in capable of meeting the needs of these children. The situation needs to be addressed in Congress. We have so many children that are suffering by the hands of their own parents.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=298318&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1411582

----Thomas and his brother Anthony, both of whom are autistic, were forced to sleep in the couple’s garage for months prior to Thomas’ death on January 17, 2020, prosecutors said, citing trial evidence.

Suffolk County police have charged New York police officer Michael Valva in the death of his 8-year-old son
NYPD officer and his fiancée charged with death of his 8-year-old son
On that morning, Thomas and his brother had no heat, no bathroom access, no mattress or blankets, and after waking up on the cold cement floor of the garage, Thomas had an accident and soiled his pants, according to the Suffolk County District Attorney’s office.

A surveillance camera showed Michael Valva screaming at Thomas and sending him outside in the subfreezing temperatures, where he was hosed down with water, according to the district attorney’s office, and Thomas lost consciousness and fell face-first onto a concrete patio several times.

Valva delayed calling 911 for help until about an hour later and by the time Thomas arrived at the hospital, his temperature was 76 degrees, which is 20 degrees below normal, prosecutors said, citing testimony and evidence at trial.-----------

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=298318&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1411578