Spencer Roe an auditory processing disability does not impact his ability to think but his ability to communicate those thoughts for now. He can get better at communicating with time and therapy, as do many stroke survivors. Either way, it didn’t impact his values, experience, and principles which he will bring to DC as a Senator. That is what the majority of voters chose in PA.
Will Walker recover from his inability to communicate? Did the majority of GA voters choose his experience and values over Warnock? Nope. It’s still shocking the number of voters that did vote for a hypocritical spouse abuser who doesn’t even live in their state. If it wasn’t for the R, maybe they just worship football “heroes” more than their God and Country.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=298522&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1412341

Trudi Bakosky Parker Trudi the Trunt, LOL. You're such a Trumpanzee, I don't think I have the crayons to explain it to you. SMDH. I would tell you to watch George Palast's expose on the research he did. You're too moronic to understand how any citizen can "challenge" any other citizen and it makes it almost impossible for soldiers temporarily assigned out of state who live in GA (in black zip codes, so they know where to target). to be able to vote. One officer sued, but over 100K more don't have the resrouces and are disinfranchised. So take your snarky sneer and shove it up your racist t***.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=298522&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1412343

Crystal Heinberger Twitter is a PRIVATE COMPANY.They featured the squishy fat,fake tanned face of your hero and his whining mouth 24/7. & then it was AMPLIFIED by every other media outlet quoting DJT ON TWITTER ,FOR FREE .A LACK OF EXPOSURE was NOT an issue. More people were sick of his Make America HATE message than those of you who only talk to each other were aware .His approval rating was at or below 40% HIS ENTIRE TERM.That's 60 % inclined to vote for SOMEONE ELSE. They did.It's just SAD to watch my fellow Americans willing to resort to violence because YOU THINK DJT IS ENTITLED to the abject devotion of every PRIVATE company in America so the spoiled,rotten rich kid get's his every desire. Snap out of it

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=298522&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1412335

Trudy Dunphy See this is the problem you folks have. You hear this on one Far Right nutjob station and it flies like wildfire as truth, with you never trying to find the facts.
He was never accused of beating his wife. They were and are divorced and he went to pick up his kids and she accused him of running over her foot with his car.
SO, HE CALLED THE POLICE HIMSELF and she fought showing her foot to the cops and then they called an ambulance themselves to check it out because she still said it happened......and they found NOT A SINGLE SIGN HER FOOT HAD BEEN RUN OVER EITHER.....NONE.
So that was the end of that nonsense.

His Church was part of a Camp, where abuse accusations were made, he wasn't there, wasn't accused personally, but did go and suggest the teenage Counselors accused have Lawyers before speaking to police. The police charged him with Obstructing their investigation by suggesting they get Lawyers, which was later dropped of course. It was ridiculous.
Anyone accused has a right to a Lawyer, our whole Judicial System is based on that premise.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=298522&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1412338

Tony Adams yes the tabulators suddenly broke on election day! As always and the voters were told to just leave it in a bin and they would make sure they got in, yet again! Some didn't fall for it and were sent to other places who would not except so they either gave up or went back and stood in line and the polls closed! Even the head of elections admitted that most that were thrown into a bin got mixed in with counted votes but he would make it right! We are living in a 3rd world country! Sad!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=298522&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1412342

List starts again Todd/Chad/Ryan/ Rose ….aka Bobby Saucier, Rochelle, here comes your famous Ann and back door Eric, K Brown . Ralph , now it’s flip flop Tim Rose, nasty unshaven Tony, welcome Bob longtime lJoyce nice see you again, Ansgar Cordie what name ?, Jody how are you @ Brenda Lynn Smiley flip flop mane with Lynn giveaway , Ok look at poor misery Sam here come flip flop Ray Dale joining his misery friends BTW.. I know your friend Criner Dean Micheal flip flopping robot the same person let’s say anything with Micheal, Dean , Criner … LMAO wh

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=298522&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1412334

Germz Morales .... Biden's Pandemic Leadership saved lives. His American Rescue Plan saved our Economy.
Jobs are the best in History, unemployment is the best in 50 years, the value of the dollar has increased 21% since the day he took Office, overtaking the Euro for the first time since 2002.
The Deficit is down, wages are up, and Inflation is down again as well.
People are working, people are thriving, we have the tools, the vaccines, to stay well.
Biden is doing a great job. The Pandemic was Global, for the simple minded that means worldwide, every country has had difficulties with inflation, supply chain issues, gas prices.
WE are doing far better than most because we have Biden.

Yes, folks Facts matter, read some.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=298522&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1412339

Andrew Slabaugh Wow, Andrew that was almost 75 years ago. We’re talking 2022. Actually for black people and the Republican Party, it’s like been in a abusive relationship. It started out good but as the years went on it changed. Most black people got out of the relationship but some have stayed in the relationship and like many victims of abuse even defend their abuser.
Just because something used to be something doesn’t mean it still is. What matters more is what it is now.” Current number of African American Congressmen
Total 52
Republicans 3
Democratic. 49
History for you: The 1964 presidential race that shaped the modern-day Republican Party sent African Americans to Democrats.
Republican presidential candidate Barry Gold'water voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act in the Senate. He lost the election, but his support for states’ rights - the term was a rallying cry for segregationists.
In 1968 - with an eye on George Wallace’s third party run - Nixon added a racial component to his campaign

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=298522&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1412345

Lynne Hawkey I live in Georgia and Voted I had No Issues what so ever . I do not like how some states suppress libertarian candidates.
I’ll save that for another time.

When it comes to redistricting both Democrat and republican always want to draw the lines to give their parties the biggest advantage.

I have noticed the Democrats look through life through blue color lenses.

I have noticed the Republicans look through life through red color lenses.

I’m a Libertarian Party member  I see life through clear lens . 

Malcolm X in his own words

The white liberal and the white conservative both want the same thing Power .
The only difference is The white liberal is more hypocritical and deceitful.

These words were true in the 60s in 2022. 
Your thoughts on Malcolm X words. 

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=298522&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1412340

Chris Burleson And you can’t call yourself a Christian if you continue to lie and say that Rev. Warnock beat his wife. Atlanta Police Department, report 200620485-00, March 2, 2020

Warnock called police to Ndoye’s Atlanta home shortly before 8:30 a.m. on March 2. According to a police report:
Warnock said Ndoye accused him of running over her left foot with his 2014 Tesla while they were arguing in her driveway. Ndoye was reluctant to show her foot to the officer, who wrote: "I did not see any signs that Ms. Ouleye’s foot was ran over." Medical personnel arrived and were "not able to locate any swelling, redness, or bruising or broken bones on Ms. Ouleye’s left foot."

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=298522&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1412344