Chris Carstens get bent princess. Ignorance isn’t a virtue. Communist sympathizing ljbtard. At least I’m on the right side of history. You’ll need to take account one day.
My side is concerned about conserving traditions, values, standards and social norms. Your group can’t even describe what a woman is. Lol
Your party is concerned with tearing down, destroying, renaming..etc. The left need to deconstruct norms, values and entire systems and institutions before creating their grand socialist utopia.
Marxists destroy everything. They never create anything of value. They cause division and chaos while destroying everything of inherent value and intrinsic worth. They are like a cult. They proselytize morally corrupt ideas while sensationalizing absurdity and embracing the wicked. They are diametrically opposed to the truth and ALWAYS side with evil over good, wrong over right and adopt behaviours and legislation that lead to failure instead of implementing actions and policies that lead to success. Today’s modern liberal may believe they “mean well” but ultimately destroys EVERYTHING in the process of “meaning well”.
Modern day liberalism isn’t just a social cancer, it’s also a mental disorder.
Modern liberals are 100% committed to their own subjective version of the “reality”. Their limited understandings of the world is solely based on emotion and nowhere rooted in facts, decency, common-sense or honesty. They are conditioned to dismiss any truth other than their own subjective understandings and always dismiss the value and accuracy of other ideas and solutions.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=299936&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1417696