D. Lee Beard that kind of technology might not even be possible.

If it has Mass, it will require infinite energy to travel at the speed of light. In fact the energy required, runs into infinity at sub light speed.

Even if you could disregard the fundamental laws of physics, and make infinite energy available, you will be focusing it into a finite Volume, which will give you infinite density, which won't end well.

As for interdimensional travel. To even create a warp bubble for an Albucierre Drive would take an amount of energy equivalent to the mass of Jupiter.

The plan would be to focus that amount of energy/mass around a vessel which is going to be how many football pitches long? Without killing the crew or destroying the ship with gravitational forces?

So if we scale that up to manufacturing wormholes to do an "Event Horizon" then how much energy are we looking at?

Even if we can create wormholes, there's no point going into them, if you just come out the other end as flying mince.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=299942&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1417721

Wrong, again as usual.

UFO's tie into humanity possibly not having evolved on Earth.

Humans might not have come from Earth - Return to the Stars

If we look at a majority of the animals on Earth, including land, avian and sea based animals, humans are the only animal on Earth that takes at least 15 years to develop the ability to defend ourselves with just our hands and our feet. 99.9% of all other animals on Earth develop the ability to defend themselves within several weeks to a year. Here are a few comparisons that can be tested and proven every day of the week. A one-year-old dog, or cat, snake and even a snail has the ability to fend for itself compared to a one-year-old human child that cannot. If humans had evolved on Earth, our ability to reproduce and have offspring that are capable of defending and fending for themselves within six months to a year would be commensurate with the other animals on Earth, Given the extremely harsh environment of Pre-Historic Earth, humans would have needed to have been very mobile, have sharp teeth or antlers that rapidly grew over a short period of time. A one-year-old lion cub is more than capable of defending and fending for itself when compared to a one-year-old human, and not to mention a 15-year-old pre-historic human. With humans not having the same rapid ability to defend and fend for ourselves until the age of 15 like other animals on Earth are capable of doing, the only logical conclusion is that humans do not come from Earth and would in fact come from another planet. Although science has tried to tie human evolution to primates, the DNA comes close, but is only a scathing connection at best, or least the connection to evolving on Earth is made to look fancy enough to be believable. The facts however, fit the picture that humans are not from Earth and may have been brought to Earth from a planet that is similar to Earth.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=299942&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1417720