Mary Clevenger I started having seizures in my 30s out of nowhere. Went to a neurologist and she said her best guess. I didn't put it together til recently in my late 40s now. This monster punched me in the head multiple times a day for 7 years. A kid. That's when I realized I most likely have CTE and my counselor seems to agree. It can't actually be diagnosed until I'm dead. So I gotta play this guessing game as to whether or not I'm going to get severe dementia in a few years. That is one of the final symptoms. He beat me so much my brain doesn't work right.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=302005&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1425794

Mary Clevenger I thought I was over it but then like a year and a half ago a big story broke locally about a girl missing for 2 years (kidnapped by her mother) they found her hidden underneath the steps in this pile of dirty disgusting blankets and just by looking at that I could smell the squalor on it. Just like the home I grew up with that became basically this monsters personal crack house where he beat me into the possibility of having a TBI the rest of my life. It went on for 7 years til our furnace caught fire and the fire department came into the house, put the fire out then called police due to the conditions we were living in. Firemen did a better job than CPS ever did. They never once came to our house despite reports from our teachers to them on a regular basis

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=302005&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1425791

Diane Renaud I agree I’m just trying to be optimistic being that she’s an 11 year old baby girl. I wholeheartedly believe the mother and stepfather are involved in some way. The little girl and stepfather got into an argument they sent her to bed he left out of town for a few days the next morning and the mom never bothered to contact him to find out if he had the little girl?? She just assumed he did and then when he got back and he didn’t have her she still didn’t report her missing… she Only contacted the police because the school got involved

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=302005&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1425792