Here comes the simps and lickers, try saying all this to his face and he will send you flying out of the orbit, the crime you people and media are accusing him of has not been mentioned by any official bodies yet and why don't you take a look at yourself most of you are pedo, drug addict, slept with god knows how many people, abandoned your parents, supported war criminals. So you are in no position to criticize others and no matter how many of you fools joined together if he is innocent then no power can hold him down except god.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=302423&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1427427

Edward Moreno Some feminists really do sound crazy in what they say, we're not an enormous monolith of people who all think the same thing. The feminism that was needed in the 60s isn't the feminism that is needed now. The culture simply isn't the same.

The current head of the American Psychological Association's Trauma Division literally doesn't believe women can abuse men in relationships. She is not rare in the field, unfortunately. And it makes sense to her because as far as she is concerned, abuse requires power. Women do not have power over men. Therefore we cannot abuse them. Period. I understand the logic. She's wrong, but I think I can see why it might make sense.

That can sound pretty crazy. It's certainly not just because she's in her 50s (that's a guess, I don't know), there are women older than her who work in the domestic violence field, and have accepted newer data into their minds. But she hasn't - I think she became so specialised that she couldn't see out of where she ended up.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=302423&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1427433

Mishkath Ahamed I agree with this entire comment. Whole-heartedly. And I'm not joking, I mean this. Yes, men SHOULD be empowered, and they are not. Men have been raised in the same patriarchal system we've been raised in, and it is really screwed-up for everybody. I don't want to speak out of turn - I don't have the experience of being male - but I can see that.

It's a single example you're describing of course, but there are so many things like that. It looks like a trivial example and I'm sure you're expecting me to yell at you for it, but it's not. It's a symptom.

It is a single, tiny example of a massive, massive issue facing men, and although things are changing, it is not fast enough. Unfortunately, those who are talking very loudly about it - and getting the most attention - are really horrible people using the pain of other men for their own egos, and making those men look terrible by association so nobody wants to hear you.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=302423&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1427430

Marc Aldred again a propaganda website is hardly proof

As much as it’s fun dunking on you with every comments I’m going back to the real world with real facts and real evidence. (It isn’t lost on me that you ignored the things I said that is true either because you can’t argue when someone has actual facts.)

So go ahead and respond because we both know you can’t stand not having the last word. Keep being proven wrong, keep being willfully ignorant and keep thinking your the smartest person in the room because most fools do.

Have fun on Rumble regurgitating every conspiracy theory people spout

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=302423&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1427438

Marc Aldred Jesus Christ are you that desperate for attention? Are you that lonely because no one will want to be with you that you can’t get over being proven wrong?

All you’ve done is make a fool of yourself and you constant commenting makes you seem desperate. Are you sure it isn’t me you want to take on a date?

How insecure are you? Your baby’s momma tell you you were a mistake? She leave you for a more stable man? Are you just projecting all your inadequacies onto other people because you are so childish you can’t learn to move on?

You try to insult me the way you would be insulted and it’s very funny watching you reveal all your insecurities and failures.

So go ahead and keep spamming the comments because you so desperately want me to pay attention to you and love you like your wife never did.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=302423&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1427439

Neil London Oh come on, that won't happen. He's - potentially - already set it up. I mean, putting in place things for his fans to believe if he is charged or convicted. I'll paste part of something I said on another group yesterday.

"You know he's already claiming conspiracy.

He approached Greta Thunberg out of nowhere to do such foolishness, then is almost immediately raided, when this investigation will have been going on for a very long time, and there's a Romanian rights group who are very vocal about human trafficking in Romania, named GRETA.

If a human trafficker knew he was under investigation he might want to set up that association, since people legitimately believe that climate change activism is a giant conspiracy. :-P"

I've also suggested, this morning, that the pizza boxes will be relevant. If he hasn't used pizzagate as an argument yet, he's going to.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=302423&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1427434

All the people talking bs about Tate, Kim Kardashian is a billionaire because she does good stuff or she is a role model for your children. People paid for her to be at the top, what did she exactly do to deserve such positions besides petty stuff. Hypocrisy is when you attack a group mostly affected by what is wrong simply because someone tells the truth. Most people that speak ill of him don't even watch his videos and get triggered by videos taken out of context. Hate the guy more than even Hitler... Research him first, watch his videos and then come to your conclusion rather than act like muppets with a hive mind.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=302423&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1427429

March 31 is the day when the Armenian-Russian fascist occupation forces carried out the genocide of Azerbaijanis. Over the course of 200 years, hundreds of thousands of Azerbaijanis were brutally murdered by the Armenian-Russian fascist occupation forces. Millions of Azerbaijanis were vandalized from their native land.
The Armenian state was established in the ancient lands of Azerbaijan with the brutal intervention of Tsarist Russia and then Bolshevik Russia. Today, our Karabakh region is occupied by Armenian-Russian fascists. Russian fascists have been destroying the Ukrainian state and destroying the Ukrainian people for years. Everyone hates the Russian fascists. When the Russian fascists, whom you hate, carry out the genocide of the Azerbaijani people together with the Armenian fascists, are the Armenian fascists pitiful and helpless?Anyone who likes the fascist Armenian-Russian policy can only be a fascist.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=302423&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1427426