Beth Barbosa Croken …again, I think it is a question of perception. You say it wasn’t tyrannical or unconstitutional, I’m not sure the CSA saw it that way.
I think that makes the case as a lesson for ALL of us, especially today. We have gotten to a point (and continue in the belief), that it is “my way or the highway”. Democracies and Democratic Republics cannot continue ad infinatum in this manner as sooner or later, those who believe they are being disenfranchised, will push back against the administration of that type of government. The “I say, you do”….without adequate representation IS tyranny AND is the refuge of dictatorships and abusive monarchies.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=302424&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1427449

About time..he represents the best of our species..
I admired him fron the civil rights Era to the day of his last breath

I remember him the day that Obama walked out of I believed the White House and Louis was standing right there.. Obama grabbed him hugged him and I'm sure he was giving him thanks for everything he did so Obama could be the president
He paved the way for him and others

right behind him was Chaney sitting in a wheelchair with a ton of cold weather garments on pouting..
I remember that to this day... The thrill of victory the agony of defeat

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=302424&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1427440

Jack Lampe I do care about history. I said ENEMIES of US soldiers. Andrew Jackson was dead at the time of Civil War. Protecting their land?? Hahahaha! The CSA started the war. 100,000 southerners served for the USA during the Civil War, so they had a choice. If they fought for the CSA, they fought for the cause, which was to protect and expand the institution of slavery.

Why would you care if a statue of enemies of your great great grandfather and other US soldiers was removed, and replaced with a black man? My great great grandfather served for the USA for all four years of the Civil War. I love seeing confederate statues come down. Why does it bother you that a statue of a black man is replacing one of a white man?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=302424&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1427448

Will Herfurth if my memory serves me correctly one of the largest statues of a white male in the continent of North America rests Abraham Lincoln. You know the guy who fought his whole presidency to END slavery. Big white guy, Washington D.C. millions of visitors a year, a bit better than a civil war general who fought his actual country and lost to keep a slave and a MAN WOMAN AND CHILD in his employ to make him money while they had less rights than his dogs he used to hunt them down if they tried to be free….

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=302424&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1427442

Now we need to see tax records of congressional members of the last 20 years who have been in Congress, because their tax laws created the tax codes that they were also using!! Let's see all their tax records and compare because they wrote the tax laws in the tax code so I want to see how they've been making money over the last 20 years while serving in Congress, passing bills that would benefit them using those same tax codes..

While we're at it, I think we should be able to see MSNBC, CNN multi-millionaire executives and they're talk show hosts tax records and see how they were using the tax codes!!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=302424&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1427443

John Ford It was the white man, that erased history for the cause of white supremacy, which has birth in the so called white race racism. Isn't it so, that the Europeans, repainted Christ as white, also isn't it a fact the Europeans tried to make Egypt and Egyptians white, when any fool would know that Kemet, aka Egypt is on the continent of Africa and Christ was born there, in North east Africa? If a man would lie about the color of Christ, what won't he lie about?? That's a rhetorical question. There's absolutely nothing he wouldn't lie about and spread propaganda lies about, for his aim at superiority.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=302424&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1427444