Dustin Spitler - We look at a lot of things as a win. Try to keep up.

The economy is working.
Unemployment at just 3.5%.
GDP increased 2.9% in Q4.
Inflation has decreased for the 6th month in a row – now at 7.1%.
Gas prices are back to where they were a year ago.
Insulin prices capped at $35 a month for Medicare patients.
Prescription drug co-pays capped at $2,000 annually for Medicare patients.
More than 11,000,000 jobs added since inauguration.
Wages are up 5.6%.
224 million fully vaccinated for COVID and climbing.
First President not presiding over a war in 20 years.
Deficit reduced by $1.3t.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=307876&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1446590

Avocados are an extremely lucrative business in Mexico. Roughly $2.8 billion worth of avocados are exported from Michoacan to the United States every single year. And so we're talking about lots and lots of money. And what do cartels do? They like to siphon off that money. These organized crime groups use avocados. They use limes as a source of profit. They tax them. And so that's been a dynamic for a very, very long time. I think - what sources tell me might be changing now is that organized crime groups are not just trying to tax these agricultural products, they're also trying to manipulate and control the market. So you GO Americans! Eat up. LOL.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=307876&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1446592

Randy Landingham buy an antenna. Fox is a local broadcast channel. Totally free with an antenna. I got rid of cable or satellite years ago. I only have internet and an antenna. Between the two I can watch just about anything I want on my roku tv. NFL should cut the cord with direct tv and have its own actual streaming service like MLB does. Satellite tv is a thing of the past and the NFL needs to get into streaming already. I know they have nfl plus but you cant watch live games on there. They need a live streaming service.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=307876&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1446594