Tristis Ward I compile data and report on statistics, yes. As you see if the thought of even bringing it up to question onto a group of random people got this reaction, a board that goes on record for their decisions can be labeled "racist," for even questioning the necessity of a course. Soon AP classes will be worthless, they almost are now. My son took 7 in high school. The university he went to only accepted the 5. Also, history is also dying. History professors are actually telling their students not to go into the history education field because their jobs are dying with people wanting to erase history.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=308315&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1447882

Deb Fantera Not positive he is "alienating many minorities". Donald Trump is much more polarizing than DeSantis and he got the largest percentage of the black vote of any Republican in forty years. And got a full one third of the Hispanic vote! Besides, I am not talking about just this one issue. It is CRT, transgender/lgbtq ideology, Marxism, etc. Republican and democrat parents alike had no idea what was being taught to their children until Covid forced them to take part in their children's education. Let me refer to Youngkin again......I guarantee you he was not elected in blue state VA because hundreds of thousands suddenly decided to switch parties. He got democrat votes. And Independents I'm sure. And despite not having a "red wave" Republicans did very well in local school board elections last year. As I said, this cuts across party lines. I am amazed that democrats seen so determined to make enemies of parents as a voting bloc!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=308315&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1447878

Tristis Ward I am not stalking anyone! Lol! Paranoid? Nothing is personal, I am asking legit questions. You are not a data collector. You do not research and put together statistics. That is a fact and what I was pointing out. In the 2020 census 14% identify as african american. 18% identify as Hispanic american and 11% identify as Irish american. If one group is going to have a unnecessary AP class dedicated to their group, then to make it equal all groups need to have AP classes dedicated to their groups. You know why this is a dumb idea? WE ARE ALL AMERICANS and there is a AP class for Americans called AP US HISTORY.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=308315&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1447881

First questions... what's the purpose of this class? Example: AP Asian studies, AP African studies, can translate into international studies, diplomats, overseas businesses...

AP African American studies seems like a history class. Isn't history already taught? Isn't Advance Placement in American history already offered?

It sounds a bit racist to specifically pick out one minority's history to teach....are they also offering AP Native American studies? AP American Jewish studies? AP German American studies? AP African American sounds like people from Zimbabwe or Gambia etc..

Black don't have a history. That was taken from them, but like All Americans who don't know thier history or past, such as ancestry. If you want to know, want to learn. Then go travel, go vist, go research...

No one should have to teach you your own heritage. It's harder for Blacks but responsibility still falls on the individual.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=308315&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1447874

David Coleman, the head of the College Board, said in an interview that the changes were all made for pedagogical reasons, not to bow to political pressure. “At the College Board, we can’t look to statements of political leaders,” he said. The changes, he said, came from “the input of professors” and “longstanding A.P. principles.”

He said that during the initial test of the course this school year, the board received feedback that the secondary, more theoretical sources were “quite dense” and that students connected more with primary sources, which he said have always been the foundation of A.P. courses.

“Intersectionality and Activism,” “Black Queer Studies,” “‘Postracial’ Racism and Colorblindness,” “Incarceration and Abolition,” “Movements for Black Lives” and “The Reparations Movement.” These topics of study cause many, and not just conservatives, to raise an eyebrow

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=308315&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1447876

Deb Fantera the issue was queer theory in the lesson plan for the AP African American studies class. That has been removed.
Dade County is the largest county in Florida. Latinos are the majority in Dade County, Latino parents have an issue with their little boys being told by a teacher they can be little girls, for example. Generally speaking, all parents want their kids to know how to read, write, and do math. Period. Those were the issues regarding the schools in Florida. Since the US now ranks 29th in the world in IQ, queer theory is not a priority in elevating the IQ in this country.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=308315&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1447879

Such LIES and Typical Liberal MISINFORMATION….!
The whole state of Florida Already “REQUIRES” that BLACK HISTORY is Taught in ALL FLA. Schools….FACT
This particular AP Corse was found to have HEAVY SOCIALIST AGENDA, as well as RACIST CRT References, and also Pushing Political Views on Transgender and Anti-American Hate Speech… All of which has NOTHING TO DO WITH AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY OR STUDIES….!!
Just like you IDIOTS Mislead America about the “Don’t say Gay” Bill, which NEVER EXISTED… Never had those words in the Bill WHATSOEVER….!
All Lies… Had Nothing to do with being Gay.
The Black Community is being USED as a FRONT for Leftist, Socialist, and Racist Political Agenda’s… WAKE UP AFRICAN AMERICANS….!!
Before you Fall for more POLITICAL BULLSHT from your BIAS LEFTIST MEDIA AGENDA and Democratic Politicians, I suggest you research the FACTS and TRUTH of why this Corse was Rejected….
DumFk Liberal SHEEP

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=308315&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1447880

Monique Schrade Swanepoel https://www.edweek.org/le...ding-the-states

Highlights of the September 2020 Quality Counts report include:

Florida’s rank for the K-12 Achievement category increased from 4th to 3rd.
Florida outperforms the nation in 15 of the 18 K-12 Achievement measures.
Florida’s K-12 Achievement score is higher than the nation.
Florida is ranked 2nd in the nation for improving the high school graduation rate.
Florida is ranked 3rd for improvement in grade 4 mathematics.
Florida is ranked 4th for improvement in grade 8 reading.
Florida is ranked 4th for improving the grade 4 poverty gap.
Florida is ranked 6th for proficiency in grade 4 mathematics.
Florida is ranked 7th for the size of its grade 4 reading poverty gap.
Florida is ranked 7th for improving the grade 8 poverty gap.
Florida is ranked 8th for improvement in grade 4 reading.
Florida is ranked 7th in the nation for improving high advanced placement test scores and 9th in the nation for having grade 11 and 12 students with high advanced placement test scores.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=308315&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1447877