When it comes to Florida, nothing surprises me  when it comes to African-American studies Teach it But when it comes to paying for slavery, I can guarantee the United States, will never do it Slavery was wrong and how do you make amends for a 400 year act of cruelty But that is such a big Pandora’s box, that the United States will never touch . Because an even bigger one sits right behind For once we start paying for the sins of the past, then the we are going to have to seriously look at Native Americans That every treaty that has ever been broken, we’d have to be paid for or honored . Right now the sacred Black Hills has been stuck in limbo The Lakota won that fight in the 70s, United States wanted to pay them for the land They want the land So that money sets in the bank, gaining interest and even said they will allow the United States to keep Mount Rushmore And that’s just one of a dozen treaties Not to mention, theoretically the entire state of Oklahoma would revert back to Native Americans for it was supposed to be one big giant reservation until we broke that treaty So no, United States will never open Pandora’s box, and start paying for the sins of the past 

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=308325&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1447926

Matt Johnson it’s not playing favorites when people of different ethnicities or who come from different countries, are not provided the same resources that many dominantly (not all) white students have. I could see how it could be difficult coming in to an establishment (American universities) that was literally created by white men. America was founded by people of different nationalities, and we as a country have always celebrated our diversity. As a white female college educated person, I never had a problem with the multicultural groups at my school. That’s one of the best parts about going to university, you get the chance to learn about and celebrate people from all over the world.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=308325&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1447922

Someone is running a propaganda operation agaisnt RT Facebook. On my laptop, all RT FB pages have been labeled restricted content access, but not on other devices.

Most likely what is happening is a new extortionist ring, like the extortion network that locks your your computer up and makes you pay ransom to have it unlocked, is working the Ukraine-Russian war. Most likely a third party is trying capitilize on both sides by saying one side or the other side is committing the scam. Most likely a high level scam coming from Africa that is based on the same scam that CNN discussed several years ago.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=308325&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1447924

Lauren Lewis I think your understanding of our country's founding and the various philosophies of the founding fathers is slacking. It is by definition playing favorites when you give something to one but not the other, regardless of the reason, though in this case the reason is a poor one because you shouldn't make assumptions of what resources someone has based on their skin tone, and there are no doubt plenty of people of various backgrounds who have the capabilities to be selected without outright bias, and those are the people you want involved because it says more to their character than simply their skin.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=308325&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1447923

If the argument is that non-whites cannot compete on merit, then the only solution is the conscious act of discrimination against whites. If the argument is that women can't compete with men on merit in their jobs, then the only solution is active discrimination against men. That is the only solution. So what's affirmative action in college? It's saying that students of certain racial backgrounds cannot compete against students of other racial backgrounds on merit. And so you've got to actively discriminate against the students of the more successful racial backgrounds. This is the logic of it. Either people are going to compete on merit or you are going to actively discriminate against people.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=308325&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1447925

Look the tech & woke intolerant people want to socially oppress their children and ask the government to infringe on parenting and child free speech rights. It is what it is ....just another reason to learn how to type and text using a fake phone and keyboard, so your brain is ready to go beyond 18. It reminds me of white folks trying to block blacks from socializing with the white folks to try to keep those beautiful multi race babies from being born. Divorce your codependency cycle women. Your looking Handsmaid's Tale scary. https://fb.watch/ipzC1fdAgV/?mibextid=6aamW6

Blocking your children's ability to modern day socialize only sets them up for playing catch up the rest of their life. It's a super shame. Ironic online homeschool is more advanced than the outdated school system in America. https://youtu.be/0Dhh7q9Us5c

Share your living expenses up to your equity share ratio. How do you calculate your E.S R.? Add your total monthly earnings plus your life partner(s). Divide your monthly earnings by the total monthly earnings and times it by 100. For example you make $1000 and your life partner makes $5000. Your equity share ratio is 16.666%, and your life partner's e.s.r is 83.333%. If your monthly living expenses equals $3000, your responsible for 16.66% of $3000. If you break up, your joint asset equity sharing is 16.666%. Being woke is easy and being controlling NEVER has been. Controlling people are scared have to death of wokeism because they won't get to take what is not theirs and their forever and only primary equity dividend child beneficiary. Be woke anyways. Sharing fairly is caring! Anti WOKE craziness is still in Florida? Wow....Florida looking kind of scary there. https://www.facebook.com/...mibextid=RUbZ1f

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=308325&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1447921