GM Mullen This is about as false a left-wing rag as can be made.
In the U.S. we never paid for college through taxes except for a few grants. There were also grants set up by wealthy people, but all college had a cost.
Yes it used to cost less. But that was demolished by the government stepping in and demanding more administrators, plus all the useless courses colleges have set up to get all the money doled out by the government. Taxpayer money.
I realize you probably have a modern college education so you have never been taught this, but the government doesn't earn any money. They either have to take it from people; taxes; print it; inflation; or borrow it; also inflation.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=310436&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1455433

Im not a big fan of canceling student debit. You knew what you was signing up for from the get go.
If were going to cancel debit ok, but what is the government doing to crack down on colleges to get cost under control. So, it doesn't repeat itself. By canceling debit you are discrimination against people that did not go to college because the were responsible and not taken on debit they could not pay for.
So, they just need to make it free for everyone not just a slect few who were irresponsible and did taken on the debit and are now expecting handouts

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=310436&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1455434

decir, una persona que crea verdaderamente en Dios y que viva aquí en el país de mi esposo. así que cualquiera que reciba esta herencia de mí, nadie puede ayudar a los pobres. , ayuda tanto a los pobres como a los huérfanos con esta herencia. También tengo una fábrica de chocolate en Francia, lo que me genera muchos ingresos.
Tengo una enorme suma de 245.000 euros que cualquiera que done puede ayudar a los pobres y huérfanos y hacer el bien.

Si elijo publicar esto aquí en privado, me gustaría hacerlo sin revelar demasiado sobre mis acciones pasadas. Antes de hacer este anuncio, oré por unos días y le pedí al Señor Jesucristo Todopoderoso que me diera el contacto de una persona seria y honesta para que me encomendara este proyecto y de ahí podría publicar esto en Facebook. Entonces, si está realmente interesado en mi donación, comuníquese conmigo a mi número de WhatsApp para que podamos hablar mejor al respecto +22 958 404 023️

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=310436&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1455430

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=310436&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1455431