If they can shut down Tik-Tok without any hindrance, they can control the source of all public opinion with impunity. And thus only show us everything they want to show us. If freedom of information does not exist, freedom of speech does not exist either .
In addition,Closing a Tik-Tok is not the point. The fact is that it is America's ability to innovate that is waning. It doesn't help if the new app doesn't have that kind of innovation. Other Chinese products will gradually take over the market as well.So only full competition can breed good products. A brutal shutdown of Tik-Tok like this is just encouraging conservatism. Protecting companies that don't think ahead.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=310937&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1457388

While I appreciate the attempt to create alternatives to TikTok, I must admit that I am not entirely convinced by what these new platforms have to offer. It seems that a significant portion of these emerging apps are primarily focused on replicating the success of TikTok, rather than striving to introduce truly innovative features that would set them apart. This lack of originality and innovation makes me doubtful about their ability to surpass, or even compete effectively, with the original app.

In today's rapidly evolving social media landscape, it's crucial for new platforms to distinguish themselves by offering unique user experiences or addressing specific needs that aren't met by existing platforms. Simply mirroring a popular app like TikTok may not be sufficient to capture and retain the interest of users, who are always on the lookout for fresh and engaging experiences. For these new platforms to thrive, they must not only adapt to the changing preferences of their target audience but also find ways to revolutionize the way users interact with and consume content on social media.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=310937&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1457385

Steven Picco Let’s say you like Bangkok. You search it on TikTok. You find a few interesting videos. Suddenly your algorithm shows you local residents with TikTok pages. They make videos of their favorite food. The next person starts discussing the history and culture. Now you’re really interested in Bangkok . Next a local scooter guy is showing you how he builds his own transportation. As you flip through your FYP For you page TikTok starts customizing your interests . Your TikTok would be about travel unless you started watching something of a different topic. Moving forward you might see the news post a story about Bangkok . You might find yourself saying, ugh y’all gonna skip the part of the boat being sabotaged? Uh huh ! Yea I saw a livestream right out of Bangkok on this day. The village stated the boat was sabotaged. See? You will know way more about what is currently happening in that town than any news media

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=310937&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1457394

Melissa Casias the government is becoming a tyrannt that started with the Patriot Act.

The U.S. really doesnt need a government, just a military to ensure our rights are protected from foreign attacks and police to keep the last remnants of the defunct 'media robots' from forcing their deranged sementics on the rest of us.

You are not the people you mimic on T.V.

You are not a deity just because ' you know' the internet activity of someone and want money from that person when they dont believe you have the powers of knowing. Which you don't.

The Olders are making assumptions out of theirself. All because you want power to make someone else work and profit from it by making noise with your mouth.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=310937&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1457392

The reason U.S. lawmakers want Tik Tok banned is because both religious and left wing 'media influencers' are losing their viewers who are now creating their own right and left wing content that doesnt keep the money coming in to the pockets of the old system.

U.S. lawmakers will create new platforms in the U.S. to host vidoes on so that Americans can further be extorted to change their personality to a personality that aligns with a government approved line of speech that keeps the money in the pockets of the major media influencers such as Fox News, CPAC and other fake message based schemes.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=310937&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1457391

Being flexible in the new paradigm a good idea. Until Gen Z pays for homes, have financial accounts, have jobs that demand confidentiality even during cyber attacks or deal with compromised digital data the opinion about their love of TIkTok is unfounded. Deep data structure leaks and compromises result in war. According to recent Census data, the homeownership rate for millennials stands at 48.6% — over 20 percentage points below Gen X and nearly 30 below baby boomers.“Gen Z is experiencing an unforgiving rental market which is putting additional pressure on them to buy. At the same time, interest rates are rising and pushing the boundaries of affordability. Power is making money at a certain level and buying homes otherwise you are only someone else's guest. A few businesses have legitimate gripe and will need help transferring to other means to maintain profits but the rest is social and other choices available. The digital lessons of Ukriane have been SO NOTED.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=310937&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1457389

Sonja Hommels I agree that true innovation goes beyond simply fulfilling existing needs and involves creating new and unexpected solutions that are also practical. It's essential to strike a balance between addressing current demands and pushing the boundaries of what is possible.

However, it's important to acknowledge that responding to consumer needs can sometimes lead to innovation as well. Incremental improvements and refinements of existing products can often result in significant advancements over time.

It is unfortunate that the market environment may sometimes seem to encourage copying rather than fostering true innovation. This could be attributed to the inherent risks associated with venturing into uncharted territory, as well as the time and resources required for groundbreaking innovation. That said, it's crucial to promote a culture that encourages creativity and risk-taking in order to foster real innovation and keep the market vibrant and dynamic.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=310937&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1457397

Honestly, they’re probably going to have a riot on their hands. It was pretty evident on that trial that the majority of these “lawmakers” are out of touch and haven’t a clue how these apps work. Not only that but the majority of them exposed their xenophobic tendencies in the process.

What I see happening is the majority of these people losing their votes, a potential riot since they’re trying to take away freedom of speech and meta going bankrupt after millions of people remove the app from their phones…but hey let’s go ahead and listen to these out of touch lawmakers who probably scream at fastfood workers every time they spill their coffee…Lol This whole trial is a joke.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=310937&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1457393

American Tech lobbied DC to ban TikTok. Europe has GDPR and its data is held in Ireland and Norway - it cannot circumvent the GDPR rules. The fact that the US doesn’t have an equivalent law is the fault of lawmakers. Not TikTok. It’s a fun engaging app. Not once have I seen propaganda or controversial content on it. I watched some of the hearing and my god they wouldn’t let the CEO speak. Funny how they can get bipartisan support for a ban but not for things that actually matter such as Gun Crime, tacking the opioid epidemic- plus how many US politicians have shares or interests in US social media companies ?? - it’s jealousy by the US. The NSA and CIA have been spying on people for decades but seemingly that’s ok cause they are “American”. Facebook sells data to anyone who wants it. Including Chinese.

150 million Americans clearly like the app. This anti China propaganda has to stop. They aren’t spying. This needs to stop. America needs to get its own house in order before it should tell other countries or companies what to do.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=310937&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1457386