Elke Zuell Jordan is working for the people. He is one of the members exposing the corrupt Biden family. It's all good. If there is corruption, regardless of who it is, it needs to be exposed. Biden and Hunter are not business men, they has no company where they can claim their money was made. Biden's been working in government for 50 years and is a multimillionaire. How does that happen? We re finding that out now . It's all being exposed now. No matter how much his supporters don't want it. Now they are up to 9 members of the Biden family involved in laundering millions of dollars the 10% big guy and Hunter received to make it less suspicious looking. Bank records obtained prove that. You don't see many of the left leaning media reporting on that do you. It's still the same 7 year never ending Witch-Hunt going on. All you hear is Trump, Trump, Trump. Dems brought this investigation against Biden on to themselves. They should have stopped at impeachment hoax #1. Dems in their insane quest to bring down an opponent they fear have opened that can of worms and exposed themselves to being investigated like they have done to Trump. They should be ashamed of themselves for putting America into this disgusting situation, but most of them are shameless, vicious power hungry lunatics who don't care that the whole nation is being destroyed by the division among it's citizens. It's crisis after crisis under the inapt leadership by Biden and his Administration. All they know how to do is spread hate, racism and division. Listen to all those jackals when they talk. The hate oozes out of their mouths like they ingested toxic swamp water. It's going to get brutal now, because these vipers have been trapped and they'll be even more vicious to save their own hides! It should have never been allowed to get so out of control. The world is laughing at America. It's their favorite soap opera comedy. Putting aside of course all the damage Biden has caused his own citizens and country, and how he is pushing the world closer to WW3. Biden is not a great leader. A great leader puts his country and fellow citizens FIRST. Biden's interests are abroad. China Ukraine etc. They all have Biden's prostate enlarged shrinking testicles in a vice grip. In the end it's all quite sad and scary how a few hundred power hungry and scared Politicians who where elected to work for the prosperity and safety of people have destroyed everything good about America.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=314311&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1473221

Glenn Hudecek - As a general rule, I stay away from politics and religion on Facebook because I respect all and try not to offend anyone of a particular group. However, I'm going to lay this out plain as day for you, you troglodytes! First and foremost Glenn (if that’s your real name…) - I don’t answer your questions. They are not thoughtfully posed and are just meant to misinform the uneducated. Secondly, I post stand alone Facebook comments and remarks that reflect my views and my views alone. Your agreement or disagreement of my views and opinions, matters not to me.

And lastly, I choose to have my own thoughts and opinions rather than be likened to a Conservative sheep or a Jim Jones-like cult follower. So go back to drinking your grape koolaide sheeple. In conclusion, I pondered dignifying your lunacy on this post and decided against it. So “Be Best” and have several seats!!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=314311&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1473222

OK this guy is looking to make a name for himself. This guy has actually lied to the American people cheated people in his state and caused a lot of criminals to be back out on the streets. This is typical within a Democrat run area. Remember defund the police. Remember the police are bad. Remember when you or your children are killed it is a good thing for the Democratic Party. Remember those who die at criminals hands are just doing nothing but supporting the Democratic Party they are continuing the democratic ideology. The democratic ideology is the ideology of support, the criminals kill the innocent, and destroy the patriots.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=314311&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1473219

Shane Wolf libturd DA's are releasing violent criminals by the thousands. Every liberal da in country is a disaster. The crime is out of control in libturd run cities. Far Alvin ScumBragg has downgraded 52% of all felonies to misdemeanors... While making up crimes to turn into felonies against Trump them copying it 34 tines... All while refusing to tell Trump what crime he committed that makes the charges a felony... Not she mention their all past the statute of limitations because that fat ignorant Pig with a turkey stuck in his throat refused to charge it the first time around until he got pressure from all the Liberals after the Federal Department of Justice refuse to charge and the previous State's Attorney and the federal elections committee refused to charge Trump

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=314311&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1473218

Jessica Dunn Guilbeau and yet like the mindless drone you are believes DA Bragg is seeking justice. I will say, the leftist surely can project. Have you forgotten DA Bragg campaigned on going after Trump and was funded by “hate America” Soros. You claim the thought process of the libertarian or conservative is old. As a matter of fact if you have done your research, the mindset is revolutionary. Our Founders believed in a blind justice system where we investigate the crime to find the individual and not investigate the individual to find the crime. Looking for a crime on an individual is a replicate of millennium past. That is the justice system of failed governments.

You’re welcome for the free education!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=314311&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1473223