Joey Reyna the collapse of the us dollars and other countries currency is intentionally done by the political leaders in combination with the cabal of banks to further their goal of establishing one world government with social credit scores, carbon tracking to limit purchases as well as travel all under the convenience of a global digital currency.. just watching all the steps and people consenting along the way to their own demise.. our big brother dystopia is these leaders utopia.. complete control of all, with no dissenters in the way, and void anyone's ability to change their position within the established class system..

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=315602&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1478608

Michael Sims only because lies and cheating from Rs. Scalia died in Feb, seat was vacant for more than a year. McConnell would not hold hearings for nominated Garland, saying it was election year. Lindsey on video saying they would do same thing for another death. Lie, RBG died in Sept. Pentecostal sect handmaid amy ushered in a week before election. Why did Kennedy abruptly "decide" to retire AFTER selecting his intern staff? Threat to use his son as scapegoat at Deutsche Bank??..which had been fined $400+ million for money laundering..with Russia. tRump's bank dealings after U.S. banks told him to get lost. That ushered in rapist kav, who said ffff on his college calendar referred to farts..yeah, riiight, farts. Who paid off his credit cards, mortgage, other debts? We know, too embarrassed to admit far-right crap sources for "news and info". Hey...what did Pence say today?..7 hours testimony re: Jan 6 insurrection to stop Constitutional ceremonial procedure reading certified electoral votes...because orange LOSER continually tweeted and on camera said stopthesteal...for 2 months.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=315602&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1478610

Natasha Schwertley both were correct the infrastructure has been comparable to that of third world countries for the last decade.. I'm also well aware that just because one side promises a positive affect when campaigning for a bill doesn't always equate to it meeting the expectations that were promised, and even it's failing or destructive the party who passed and it's followers use Cognitive dissonance to deny the actual effectiveness of the policy.. what policy concerns are you referring to when you refer to cutting crucial funding and safety regulations? Are you insinuating the last administration policies negatively impacted the infrastructure and how?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=315602&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1478609