Suzie Conroy I guess you don’t know how our government works. The Democrats destroyed this country in two short years when they control the Branches of government. We have lost or respect, control of the petro dollar, the loss of our energy. I bet you don’t know the Chinese yen took over the dollars last week for the first time ever. A weakened military. Open border( on average over 100 a day Chinese males with no families our entering illegally) But why should we worry about that minor stuff. The house only has the power of the purse and the Senate has to pass what the house sends over legislation.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=315800&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1479428

Rachael Levy first thing they need to do is forget gun control or getting guns out of bad people's hands.It will never happen.As far as school shootings and workplace shootings enough data is out there now on why they were shot up.For instance instead of companies blaming guns they should be asking what did our company do wrong.Was the person bullied,picked on,others got favoritism,hostile,toxic are all common reasons.Any company lucky enough to not get shot up should be taking an actual look into their companies.If it shows the same environment they are higher risk for a future thing like that to happen so they best change it.
Places need to be honest with themselves but most won't and then be shocked when someone snaps.They will blame the shooter and the gun and not what lead to it happening.There will always be shootings laws or not but there are ways to change a hostile,toxic environment.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=315800&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1479433

We keep saying that they want to control women. And in states where there aren't enough republicans with a spine they are seeing how far they will go. There is evidence of women almost dying because they are miscarrying and the hospital cannot do anything until they become septic. I want you to imagine to pain and suffering that goes into someone becoming septic because their own body is trying to to expel the fetus. And in some cases this can cause them to become sterile where they will never be able to have children. That is torture for the pure pleasure of being cruel. As more and more of these cases come to light their argument that women somehow use abortion as birth control is being proven complete b.s.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=315800&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1479430

Blake Johnson Are those the only two criteria needed to demonstrate that a human body is living? Interesting, because individuals who are braindead have unique DNA and heartbeats, yet medically speaking the person who used to exist within that body is dead. So it can't only be about unique DNA and a heartbeat.

Ironically, you used your mind which is produced by your brain to tell us that your heartbeat is what makes you a living person. Pretty sure the mind and the brain are what's truly the most important parts of being a living person. Ever met a person without a mind?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=315800&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1479424

Lawrence Francis What if you go to heaven and god asks you why you supported oppressing women in his name with religiously political indoctrination? God never mentioned abortions, and the Bible doesn’t even. The constitution does say separation of church and state, so keep your religious indoctrination to yourself and not force it on others through the law. The only thing we know is how we hold each other right now, so stop being regressive, oppressive, and divisive just because you disagree with people and their own personal life decisions. Let God have true judgement, for those who claim to know gods will are false prophets who harm others with their judgement.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=315800&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1479429

So it was a political calculation, not any change in the fundamental fanaticism. In 2016 Trump uttered the opinion that women seeking or receiving abortions should be punished. Remember? Right to Life jumped up and corrected him, declaring no, it was not about punishing women, but nurturing and caring for women. Reproductive rights activists, of course, called them out for the charlatans that they are, always knowing that such declarations were just PR dressing intended to soften their image. Once abortion rights were overturned, the dressing would come down, revealing the true fanaticism of their intentions. And here we are! Don't let these calculations serve the same misdirecting purpose.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=315800&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1479432

Although Nebraska and South Carolina both have Republican-controlled legislatures, they have different legislative situations and policies regarding abortion restrictions.
Nebraska did pass some abortion restrictions, such as prohibiting abortions when the fetus can feel pain (usually at 20 weeks). However, Nebraska has not successfully implemented other abortion restrictions, such as requiring an ultrasound or providing other information to the patient prior to an abortion.
The South Carolina legislature has passed some measures to restrict abortions, such as prohibiting abortions when the fetus can have a heartbeat (usually six weeks). However, these measures have been challenged in court and are currently suspended.
In general, Republican measures to restrict abortion have been adopted in several states, but they have faced challenges in the courts and are politically controversial.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=315800&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1479431

Blake Johnson
1. I was asking you if you'd be okay with abortion if we changed the procedure from the way it's currently preformed to a way that carefully removes the fetus. Yet you literally didn't respond to the question. Why not? It was an honest question that you curiously avoided. Interesting.

2. It is clear that you aren't an honest person. I was having an honest and civil conversation. Notice how you were the one who responded with insults and strawman arguments.

In order to avoid a tough conversation about a subject in which you are clearly ill-equipped, you instead have to portray anyone who opposes your position as someone who supports killing babies. Every time I brought up a point that you couldn't refute, you either try to change the subject or you insult.

I showed how your definition human personhood is was poorly defined, since it could be applied to the braindead and you insulted me and changed the subject.

Then when I asked you if you'd be okay with abortion if we changed how the procedure is carried out, you changed the subject again.

If you were a mature adult who had honestly and sincerely researched this topic, you'd be prepared to have a civil discussion and you'd have clear rebuttals. But you clearly have nothing. Goodbye, sir.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=315800&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1479426