Laura Jamieson your such a sad thing! You calling me a commie well my dear trump has all of y’all believing and listening to him spew his hate towards anybody that is not white well guess the hatred has always been there, just that he made that feel normal.insulting everyone, making fun of disabled people,well he is such an narcissistic punk and you MAGAS can’t see thatSo you can call me what you want because I believe in kindness, empathy, towards everyone because let me say one thing trump think he is superior to everyone but heck no nobody is better than anybody! Just because you like what he represents, you think I have to believe like you well no this Mexican can have her own opinion and knowledge and I don’t shove my believes on the magas so neither should you Last I heard this is a free country until people let trump turn it to a dictatorship! Good luck because then you’ll think of me and realize that I was on the empathic side while you are in uniform, marching and saluting that traitor and waiting in line for a loaf of bread. You can have mine. Night chica!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=317393&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1486946

I'm done with CNN. Anderson Cooper is about the only credible anchor with John King and Jake Tapper running slightly behind, but this is unforgivable!!!!!! Let your sponsors know I'm done with them too. I know I'm only one person, but I am one person who is not going to turn a blind eye to the corrupt criminality of Donald Trump and "normalize" this guy. No sir he does not have a right to free speech on a major news outlet. He is a twice impeached former president, guilty of sexual assault, indicted on fraud and a host of other financial charges and is pending indictment on insurrection, election tampering, concealing classified documents and the list goes on. CNN wants to give him fair treatment, fine but forewarn your sponsors. There are many like me who are done pandering to this guy.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=317393&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1486940

Before Trump starts his Town Hall tonight.
His Supporters should take out A Pen And Paper and write down EVERYTHING Trump says he'll do FOR YOU if Elected.
Not "owning the Dems" that doesn't affect your life one bit besides making a small person feel big at someone else's expense.
Facts are, Trump doesn't care one bit about YOU.
He only needs your vote and money to protect HIM from Justice.
There was a time when Politicians cared about you enough to lie and make promises of a better life even when they had no intention of keeping them. At least they respected your intelligence enough to make that attempt.
Trump looks at you as he always has.
Those NASTY people he keeps on the other side of the fence at one of his Country Clubs.
He hasn't a clue about what you need, and he doesn't even care if you know it.
So, get that pen and paper ready.
I dare ya

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=317393&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1486936

Christa Van Overstraeten It doesn't bother us as much that Biden is just a puppet. When you look at his eyes he looks confused. And his aides are running the country. What bothers us is that his aides and secretaries are complete morons and over their heads. Which intern affects OUR lives. Not too mention we find out the Bidens are corrupt. And yesterday a whistleblower gave Republicans copies of emails showing the Biden campaign sending emails to media and government agencies. Which started another fake Trump investigation just before the 2020 elections. In making up fake accusations. Too change an election. Which is another investigation thats on going. Sooo many investigations and problems for Joe.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=317393&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1486939

CNN has made many changes with its new leadership. This was absolutely hideous and certainly not news worthy. Trump was given a huge platform to continue his lies, insults and acted like the most imbalanced former president in our country's history. Stacking the audience with his followers was equally hideous. Caityn could not control him, the audience laughed at his antics, and this was nothing I ever would choose to spend time. I was very unhappy that CNN chose to do this, however maybe it was good to know how deranged and derailed he STILL is. He must never be in charge of our nation again, voting has never been more important. To use his own words, HE IS A WACK JOB.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=317393&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1486944

Add THAT to your résumé you despicable maggot..and SHAME on CNN for giving Trump 1 1/2 HOURS of FREE POLITICAL TV TIME to spread his LIES, HATE, and INCITING MORE VIOLENCE against everyone who opposes him..Then adding ANOTHER 2 1/2 HOURS MORE REPLAYING the previous HOUR & a Half TALKING ABOUT HIM AND HIS LIES..DAMAGE DONE by CNN and CEO CHRIS LICHT and parent company WARNER BROS/DISCOVERY CEO, DAVID ZASLOV who have turned CNN into the new FOX with a Town Hall attended ONLY by biased Trump Supporters ..NO DEMOCRATS ALLOWED in the ‘mislabeled’ Town Hall..This is a FREE POLITICAL TRUMP RALLY PAID FOR BY CNN

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=317393&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1486934

Feeling a shift in CNN, and it’s not a positive one. I’m over tRump and wish unless he is being put in jail that we don’t give him air time. Knowing that what I loved about CNN was their ability to fight for the truth is being discarded for the GOP and tRump extremists! I’d rather they present the town hall with integrity and hard questions. Instead it will be a stroke session filled with lies. Thinking, sadly, despite my love and respect for some of your journalists, i have to say goodbye. This road CNN appears to be traveling is a dangerous one. Good luck to you

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=317393&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1486938

I don't quite get why CNN gave Trump 90 minutes to stew the same bullcrap that's he's been stewing since he took office in 2016.

He said one thing in particular tonight that really struck a nerve with me: with regards to gun violence (which he's FUC%ING clueless on) he said "a lot of teachers are ex military and would love to carry guns in schools". That's a dangerously untrue comment. Most teachers are not ex military, and we should not be arming them with anything other than textbooks and school supplies. I almost lost my crap when he said that. And that doesn't even account for everything else he said. What a tool. Seriously. This guy is a toolbag. And anyone who votes for him is also a tool bag

He's also still going on about the 2020 election. What a FU$KING loser

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=317393&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1486945

News networks don't need to show his speeches live. They can cover them as news—wait until he's done, show clips within context, offer fact-checking, and stop amplifying his abusive attacks, bigoted insults, QAnon-level conspiracies, and dangerous deceptions.

Trump sought to overturn and election and helped incite a deadly insurrection. We know his words carry weight. You can cover him as news—but don't serve as his personal broadcasting network.

Stop covering him live. Fact-check his statements. And don't fall into the trap of giving him free airtime.

CNN's conduct has catered to Trump in hopes of boosting their ratings. They have a long history of airing his lies unchecked and giving him space on their valuable platform to spew his toxic hate and vitriol. Following the verdict, CNN should recognize it's craven and unacceptable to honor and elevate him, which they are doing by putting him on the air.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=317393&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1486941

CNN, I can't believe that you sold your soul to the devil. The same person you are giving free airtime to that called you and your journalists fake and a lot worse. Here you are putting your weakest host on stage with him. Not sure why you would give this man any airtime at all. It certainly is not in the name of credible journalism because we know what type of person Trump is and he has not changed one iota. If you are doing this for ratings that is shameful as you are putting your viewers through his nonsense and not denouncing his actions and words. If you are doing this so you can get viewers from Fox Entertainment since Tuckers demise let me ask you this do you real think anyone that is a devoted Tucker fan is capable of understanding real journalism? I have watched your broadcasts faithfully for years, however I can honestly say this both sides argument and the fact you will not denounce people like Trump and their fascist agenda has pushed me to seek other sources for my news.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=317393&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1486942