I am uneducated and i am slow . I have a criminal background. I am poor. It’s difficult to take care of myself on my own. I am a lier. I’m not better then anyone. I care about everyone in the world very deeply a unconditional love towards all humanity. I have everything i need spiritually because I have my holy bible and i believe in Jesus Christ. I am never angry, upset or sad because i only feel the fruits of the spirit which are love, Joy, peace, patients, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, generous and self-control. ️ Id rather be a feminine man who is openly Gay other than being a man, who is a psychopath who always thinks his wife or his girlfriend is sleeping around with other men. % ️ I am very blessed to live in America! I love America! America is Great! I love my President Joe Biden! Go Trump! Trump 2024! God bless America! I only support products made in America and i only support businesses in America! I support our 2nd Amendment! I believe in God the father, the son and the Holy Spirit ️

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=317765&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1488788

CNN used to be my number-one TV news station for 30 years since Ted Turner. However, after holding Lying Trump up at the town meeting, wherein, CNN is helping Trump with a second coup attempt to bury the American democracy. Plus CNN was the news station that most put Lying Trump in office with all the free air time they gave him in Trump's first run. Well CNN is doing it again hoping to put Trump in office again1 Now CNN is at the bottom of my news stations, one place above Fox Fake News. I no longer watch CNN

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=317765&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1488790

Once upon a time, there was a woman named Sarah who never stopped being wasteful. She would leave the lights on in every room of her house, take long showers, and drive her car everywhere, even if it was just down the street. She never thought about the impact her actions had on the environment.

As time went on, Sarah's wasteful habits only got worse. She would buy new clothes every week, throwing away the old ones without a second thought. She would order takeout every night, never bothering to cook her own meals. And when she did cook, she would use excessive amounts of water and electricity, not caring about the consequences.

Eventually, Sarah's wastefulness caught up with her. The world's natural resources began to dwindle, and she found herself struggling to get by. There was no more oil for her car, no more water for her showers, and no more food for her to eat.

Sarah realized too late the error of her ways. She had been so focused on her own convenience and comfort that she had destroyed the planet she lived on. She had taken for granted the resources that were once abundant, and now she was paying the price.

In the end, Sarah was left with nothing but regret. She had wasted her life and the world around her, and there was no way to turn back time. Her story serves as a warning to us all: we must be mindful of our actions and their impact on the environment, or we will face the consequences.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=317765&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1488789

SCHOLASTICA Unholy PapaYou dont have the Right to Say Nothing . You Dont Even a Right To Say Smooth Jis Bumping. You dont have the Right to Speak.Trapped an Victimized By The Defective Robot King. Some People Dont Know The Half by Their own Choice. I Choose Ford Ideas Capture Them and Make Em Mine. That means I Have The Quality To Promote Myself to Be Wlth the Royal Priesthood Everywhere. It' a Faith Based Royal Operation and it's Time For Prayer. Some Rolls on The River Some Roll In The Mire. Some Roll a Lowest Lane Some Roll a Lil Higher Higher. The Game is Almost Over and it's Down To Wire. It's a Faith Based Operation and I'm Gon Stick With Mass Choir. The American Unholy PaPa is a Rolling Stone. Wherever He Lay his Gun is His Home. This is a Faith Based Operation and My Holy Papa Got The Right To Preach. Whose Zooming Who is The Answer I Seek. MeTaZoom The Resign Quickly Checkmate. The Queen's Gambit I BET YA!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=317765&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1488793