Julie Holland he likely didn't care who it belongs to. He killed her to control her. My ex almost did the same to me, even though he didn't want the baby once he learned I was having a girl. He even paid over 70k to gain custody, just to reduce child support to the state minimum and never sees her. All for the sole purpose of controlling me. He's told me numerous times that it's only because I left him, and not the other way around. I've raised her alone, without his help. She graduated high school with honors yesterday.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=317927&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1489858

Little history for a southern Democrat.......A century ago, a monumental shift occurred within the Constitution that undeniably changed the course of our democracy: the passage of the 19th Amendment. Today, students across the United States flip through pages of textbooks and read about how this change came to fruition. However, when it comes to learning about the pivotal role that Republican suffragists played – in particular, Republicans within Congress who helped usher in this change – the ink runs dry. While the campaign for a woman’s right to vote is commonly referred to as a “progressive movement”, it is often misconstrued as a movement that was spurred by the platform of today’s Democrat Party. The simple truth is that history tells a different story.

On May 21, 1919, an Illinois Republican by the name of James Mann reintroduced the 19th Amendment in the House of Representatives and it passed by a vote of 304 to 89. It was a decisive victory, and the split among Democrats and Republicans was staggering. In all, over 200 Republicans voted in favor of the 19th Amendment, while only 102 Democrats voted alongside them. Subsequently, on June 4, 1919, the 19th Amendment passed the Senate by a vote of 56 to 25. Once again, the split among Democrats and Republicans was notable: eighty-two percent of Republicans voted in favor of the amendment while only forty-one percent of their Democrat colleagues concurred.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=317927&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1489855

Dena Lockwood Well at least I know the facts unlike you. It's a fetus not a baby and cannot survive outside the womb till at least 22 weeks and that is a low probability even at that time. That fetus isn't even conscious in the womb due to endogenous sedation. How is the life of a living human being prioritize the life of an unconscious fetus. Guess what, you can take all the precautions and still end up pregnant. You just want people to give birth and then what??? Are you going to be taking care of these babies that are unloved and thrown into the system? I have my own child and that was MY CHOICE but I am not going to control what other people do with their own bodies.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=317927&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1489851

This is hideous. And Texas is to blame. This is why a lot of women actual look to find legal abortions. Because it turns out the man they are with is violently abusive. Besides preventing her from being liberated from an abuser, Texas failed to protect her life. Texas. Your state government has pulled you down, by oppressing women, straight to hell in a hand basket. Women, this woman, this human being, did not deserve to die. And if you did not bolster the warped thinking of crazed unstable men to give them the idea they have ownership over a woman and can kill a woman they think they own, this would not happen.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=317927&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1489852

John Smith In the U.S. 397,122 children are living without permanent families in the foster care system. There are approximately 8,600 youth in care on any given day
The number of these foster kids who are eligible for adoption, on average, every year: 101,666.
Do you have a clue how much adoption costs
No women should be made to carry a baby because that’s her body.
99% of all abortions are in the first trimester and in the first trimester an abortion consists of 3 pills and the pain is excruciating. You all want to ban the morning after pill without even understanding what that actually does. The morning after pill is not an abortion

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=317927&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1489853

Cassie Robin So after the baby is born, women can force the father to at least take financial responsibility, because it’s their child too, right? It takes two to tango? Unless it’s prior to the baby’s birth, then it’s not the father’s child, and he has no say in it? Did I understand that correctly? I don’t think this situation was as much about the abortion, as it was about losing the best chance of keeping her under his control. That’s what abusive men do, and without that critical link to keep them together, there was no other choice in his sick mind. But the fact that women are so quick to dismiss the other half of the equation, simply because the man isn’t the one who has to carry the baby for nine months, seems pretty devious and irresponsible. Those “cells” have their own unique DNA, not just the mother’s DNA, not just the father’s DNA, but BOTH. And last I checked, a woman’s uterus doesn’t have its own heartbeat, or its own lungs, or its own DNA. Which means it’s not part of the mother’s body, but of its own. Biologists overwhelmingly agree that life begins at conception, when new DNA is formed; and part of that DNA is the father’s, and maybe that father wants his baby to live.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=317927&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1489857

Michael Cook you’re vastly oversimplifying things. When I was a young adult I was with a guy who seemed amazing when we first got together. Things started falling apart slowly and he became extremely abusive. I tried to leave and he broke into my house and destroyed my stuff and slashed up all of my clothing with a knife, poured bleach on the clothing and carpet. I called the police and they didn’t do a thing. They said it “just looked like a messy house” bc he had thrown everything all over the place. A couple of months later he held a butcher knife to my throat and threatened to kill me. He would show up at my work, at public places he knew I went to. I couldn’t get away from him. I was alone in a small town just trying to start adulthood and had a good career as a real estate agent.

It got so bad that I had to sneak to a phone one night and call my parents because he would monitor all of my phone calls. My parents showed up at dawn, they didn’t even tell me they were coming because they were afraid he would kill me if he knew I was actually leaving for good. They showed up and moved me back home, a half state away. I might not be here today if they hadn’t come and gotten me out of that situation because no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t get away from him and nobody in the town was willing to help.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=317927&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1489854