Terry Collins I think he should make as much as he desires. I do think we can do things like tax the difference between his yearly earnings and the % of his lowest paid employee.

Here is the dilemma. In our system (which I believe is the best system created yet...until someone creates something better...socialism and communism is far more evil) it's theft to say "you make too much so we will take from you and redistribute". However, when a company like Netflix pays an effective tax rate of 1.3% using systems built out by other people (internet) they need to close loopholes so they give to the system. Of course our government spends incorrectly too. That's a separate conversation.

My question for you. Do you think we wouldn't have "shapers" of change if they "only" made 100 million instead of 200 million? Or 1 billion? Or 3.8 billion?

People say "well he created jobs". Yeah, but he also cost 85,000 jobs at the expense of blockbuster. Now, blockbuster could've been forward thinking and started streaming and better "straight to home" business models and saved some of those jobs, but then Netflix wouldn't have their jobs. So what jobs did he net? What betterment did he provide to society other than convenience of streaming?

So, to answer your question, there is no direct easy answer. But at some point society will get tired of people raking in billions while not giving two flips about the work force. I'm not a Marxist at all...just saying there will be a day of reckoning with the gluttonous behaviors.

I made a post about this but my profile is private so I'll say here. Execs look at employees as liabilities. How about an employee that provides an idea to a company they put into practice. Accounting says this idea saved the company many millions. But when the company matures and downsizes that employee gets let go with a small severance and a "good luck". But an exec takes over a division in the same company and fails miserably costing the company billions but is let go with a 14 million dollar severance. (Tim Armstrong at Verizon). Think at some point the average worker will say eff that? Or a company "downsizing" saving 10s of millions then give a board of 5 people a raise equalling that 10s of millions. That's ethical under our system, but is it really ethical towards humanity?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=321364&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1504710

Lucchi Torres this is the laziest argument to make with someone. You can’t just literally tell everybody to go start up their own business. The world needs workers too.

Such an asinine logic and again, LAZY, to suggest that people should just become business owners if they’re unhappy with pay.

Ya, if someone’s making millions at the top and the worker at the bottom who just got hired is making $15-20 an hour— that’s an imbalance.

You ain’t any more special once your business gets off the ground and the cogs start turning. You deserve all the initial success and constant profit as the business flourishes and progresses, but after a certain point, so do the people who keep making your machine go ‘round.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=321364&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1504707

Terry Collins I have literally heard nothing from you in regards to why you think this man as a CEO deserves to continue raking in top dollar for literally doing nothing to hold the company together at the bottom level.

You can sit here and throw out “dO yOuR OwN rEsEaRcH” and “uNiNfOrMed OpInIoN” but really you have offered nothing of substance in this entire back and forth exchange.

Just because you started a company does not give you the right ages down the road to continue to expect insane profit while people at the bottom holding the company up get next to nothing and are living paycheck to paycheck.

I do hope one day I perhaps can show you how you’re supposed to treat your employees Terry, but I expect you’ll be dead by then.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=321364&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1504709

There are very talented and motivated people out there who would run Netflix for almost nothing in order to make a name for themselves and show they can do a better job. It is like this for almost ALL corporations. In fact, these jobs should be auctioned off to the lowest bidder to prequalified exceptional candidates. The notion that only the highest paid executives are capable of such a job has always been a farce, and you could even call it a scam. The hierarchy system which results in only a few people at the top getting the wealth needs to die so that everyone else may live.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=321364&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1504708

Don’t understand why anyone would agree to rewarding people at the very top who do next to nothing in regard to the day to day activities that result in the success of the company yet somehow reap all the benefits like mad profit and compensation for literally no work. They show up to events, shake hands, and make mad money as the face of the company.

They don’t write the shows, they don’t code the programming that makes their app run, they don’t act or perform, they literally just do NOT deserve the compensation.

Give the suggested raises to workers at the bottom of the corporate pyramid that hold it up and keep it successful.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=321364&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1504706