See? This is precisely the dumb pissbaby histrionics I'm talking about. Jay's demonstrating it perfectly.

I gave a pretty accurate, objective take on what happened, & he desperately needs to reply, saying I'm 'misrepresenting' what happened, only to then go & misrepresent it himself.

Unless you're nothing more than an entitled toddler, someone simply being different than you isn't "pUsHiNg MeNtAl IlLnEsS" or whatever these dweebs want to cry about. Like I get they lead sad, small, miserable little lives, where anything out of their perceived norm is somehow a deeply triggering personal affront to them, but it's not that big a deal. And yet look at the overreaction this freak has...

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=327646&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1529894

Tom Berger Contrary to claims made by some defenders of Sound of Freedom, no one is denying the existence of child trafficking, or its horrors. Those who have devoted their lives to protecting children and fighting those seeking to exploit them know firsthand that child trafficking is not only real, but that the reality is even more horrific than what is depicted onscreen in big-budget thrillers. Their hope is that viewers of Sound of Freedom, who are moved by the film, connect with legitimate organizations to learn the truth about what child trafficking really looks like, and how they can help. You don’t have to manufacture conspiracy theories about child sexual abuse, there are plenty of facts at hand that don't involve spreading ridiculous rumors about Wayfair or pizza restaurants.”

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=327646&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1529891

Peter Siemen well as a Canadian, I'm not subject to your propaganda machine, nor am I subject to your ridiculous MAGA insanity nonsense. The rest of the world is looking on in utter dismay at the festering clown show that is a the Trump cult MAGA insanity. Fox is on record having LIED continuously throughout the Trump infection of America's political system. They lost lawsuits over it and had to pay out hundreds of millions and fire theor top on air guy.. if you still choose to believe their garbage, that says a lot about you.
Cognitive dissonance is a serious problem, you should seek help.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=327646&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1529893

Margaret Hales so this doesn’t happen? Didn’t the democrats just cover up a whole island where this was going on and refuse to give names? They put a woman in jail for selling children to no one, right in front of our face they are acting like this is all a lie. Just like we’re supposed to forget about Biden’s daughter’s diary where she said her dad made her take showers with him until she was 13, that’s not normal. Why do guys dressed like women demand to be around young children? If you wanna read that someone go to the nursing home, do you think that’s normal?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=327646&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1529909

Taz Judd
so... this is a TANDEM temper tantrum?
Ronnie isnt able to hold his breath, bawl, kick and scream all by himself without help?
..by all means jump right in!
one baby, two babies, three babies?
..doesnt matter how many. I can mock you all.

Its a pity you can't all just be your authentic selves. That only takes one screwup, not screwups in stereo.

Perhaps you can all arrange a meeting where you can drop your n-bombs collectively? Get it out of your systems.
I'm just worried about your ental health.
... repressed as you lot are it's got you give you headaches!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=327646&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1529898

Emily Benge it’s ok to openly hate men. You don’t have to gaslight me and tell me I’m crazy and say the movie isn’t made by man hating feminists. They want everyone to know and it’s made completely clear. You don’t have to defend it. This is society. Shitting on men is completely fine and it has been for a long long time. Your not doing anything great by trying to defend the movie and convince people it’s not misandrist propaganda. Nobody cares. Even most men will laugh and be fine with it. They wouldn’t dare complain. Their wives would take away their bedroom fun. Lol

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=327646&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1529897

Alonzo Fox , lol, you are the one not being authentic. You like that n word, don’t you. People like myself don’t tolerate people like you thinking that word can just flow out of your mouth. Everyone that knows me knows I don’t tolerate that word, no matter what color your skin is. I have seen true racism. You just push it for a narrative.

When you watch a family get run out of town or come face to face with a skin head, then I will listen to you. But you give me no reason to believe you understand true racism.

Btw, this has nothing to do with watching a movie about a doll.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=327646&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1529899

Nah, I'm laughing at you because you're a deluded old man that thinks watching a movie is some kind of a virtue signal & actually making the world a better place because you believed what the wooden actor told you during the credits, John.

Your questions are dumb because when I say something like 'weird histrionics' I'm referring to the very thing that triggered you in the first place, but you can't keep up & go 'what weird histrionics' & when I say it's going around in a circle, you pretend I can't answer your questions... when they're dumb. Ironically, in a weird histrionic way. Like the way that you keep having to comment whether I reply or not in a totally triggered way.

I say something to the effect of 'on top of everything else it was just a low quality film, with bad acting in the trailer,' which is ostensively supposed to be the highlights of the film, & you think spamming a link about Disney shelving it is supposed to mean something to me. It doesn't.

And when there's already a subsect of Q adjacent freaks out there thinking Hollywood's ENTIRELY composed out of satanic pedophiles, they shelf a bad movie for being bad, the makers wrestle it back & it's about child trafficking, your marketing's already built in. So for them to then have the actor pleading & begging for folks to buy more tickets after having watched the stinker already? Trying to tell them that seeing this pos is somehow changing the world? That's a scam, dawg. Straight up.

I get that you're upset you were scammed, but you're not changing the world right now.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=327646&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1529905

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Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=327646&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1529902