Oh, & Person of Interest was a deranged, ultraviolent show about the surveilance state that was hidden in CBS timeslots that are usually just procedurals catering to old folks (like yourself). But Person of Interest, I can tell you already is vastly superior to this dumb movie because they knew better than to try & make Caviezel say much of anything beyond terse one word answers. And EVEN THEN, your boy needed to write those lines on people's foreheads. He was best served cracking necks & being an overall violent freak.

It also wasn't a scam to fleece people from their money.

Happy I could clear that up for you, John

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=327646&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1529907

Michael Pealo Sure we do, but a QAnnon propaganda film is not going to do that. This film, in no way depicts the realities of child trafficking, where 67% of children trafficked are between the ages of 15 and 17. And, while there are cases where child trafficking victims are much younger than that, they overwhelmingly tend to involve parents of teens, with substance abuse issues, selling their children for drugs. One of the best ways to help with child trafficking is to have educated, healthy , secure families supported by their communities and government, universal healthcare, childcare, livable wages , affordable housing, realistic mental health and addictions policies… but this is not a solution conservatives want to hear.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=327646&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1529892

Barbara Billings McCormack there's been no outrage over The Sound of Freedom. The propaganda you people come up with is hilarious! That has all been the right wing. They believe it's not getting press, because of its topic. When it's actually it's just an independent film. That's lower budget and less advertising... because it's an Indie film! All of us evil Libs / Dems are going to see it. So watch out behind you! " we're coming to get you Barbara!" won't be just your weird , freaky, Republican Paranoia/ mental health issues this time. Whaaa haaaaa , haaaa...

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=327646&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1529903

Rich Gerber , in 2016 people drew a line. If you supported Trump, anyone that was a democrat wanted nothing to do with you. My democrat family members cut me off because I wouldn’t vote for Hillary. I wouldn’t have voted for her no matter who the other person was.

Today the democrat party is known as progressives and the republicans are known as conservatives. But each party has a combination of both even though some don’t realize it.

2024 will be the continuation of bringing the country back to both parties working together. Especially since older politicians are leaving.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=327646&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1529908

Karen Coons Bush
No, not banned
...banned by who?

If a company that formerly published something racist decides 30 years later not to republish it..
...that's NOT a ban!
A ban is when some outside entity forbids something.
Get a friggin dictionary.

And that Sound of Freedom movie?
...empty Q propaganda disguised as an issue piece. Sure, it pretends to be anti-child trafficking while spouting anti-Semitism a well as other absurdities.
Frankly nobody even gave any note to that flix until CNN pointed out its inaccuracies falsehoods and Qanon connections.

Conservatives hate pert near anything that can't be segregated into or targeted at a rural (rural-adjecent) white christian straight enclave.

...and a far as the "left" outrage?
Poppycock and balderdash!
Plenty of folks all over disliked it and found it offensive.


Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=327646&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1529896

Alonzo Fox , you know me so well that you think I am male. It’s Mrs Real Profile to you. Yep, you are battling with a female who doesn’t cowar to the male species. Yes, I have an opinion and I will use it.

If Christ was to pop around the corner, I would hope we could take a seat and have a wonderful conversation. After all, he is the son of God.

And if you paid attention, you would notice I actually went after Ronnie on his comment regarding Kyle. I have no issue calling out people on both sides of a thread.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=327646&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1529900

Weird Histrionics = A lead actor begging the people to buy more tickets to the same movie they just watched as though it's some sort of moral imperative, John. It's not that I don't answer, it's that you're asking dumb questions that make us have to backtrack.

And I've seen the trailer. Beyond the Q vibes, it's just a hamfisted bad movie lmao I've seen the clips. I've seen the catchphrase. And I remember how bad Caviezel was every time he had to open his mouth in Person of Interest. I remember the anecdote of him needing to write words on the actors he acted against so he could remember lines. And how the one time it was literally just "no." He couldn't remember "no." THESE are the reasons no one wants to work with him. And why he needs to milk it for every cent he can by pleading to folks for more ticket sales.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=327646&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1529904

Michael McCoy You're fu n n y. It's the right who loses their mind on a regular basis. Remember the uproars over little mermaid being black, an anthropamorphized m&m being less sexy, Mr potato heads genitals, coffee machines, runners, books, super Mario Brothers being "too feminist", an imaginary "woke mob" yall all insist is real with zero evidence, drag queens, teenage girls using bathrooms, teenage girls playing sports, literal CHILDREN trying to access gender affirming care, gay people, bud light, pink Floyd re-issuing a cd with a rainbow on it that's been around since the 70s, beans, statues, Scooby-Doo doo characters being LGBTQIA, kids learning about actual history, a movie about a doll, etc., and you say the left is a bunch of cry-babies?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=327646&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1529906

Took you long enough, John. I got bored & went to go do better things.

But your dementia’s kicking up again. I’ve answered like a dozen of your questions. From seeing the movie to even goddamn Person of Interest. It’s not my fault if you’re too old to keep up.

But all the comments are above, go back & reread, sport.

I didn’t say I got ‘the’ Q vibes, I said it definitively had Q vibes. Periot. But I also said it was more MLM, which is what really seemed to trigger you.

By Q vibe, it’s preying on reactionaries‘ beliefs, offering up an (albeit embellished) account of real instances of child trafficking as if it’s going to justify their grandiose conspiracies, with dorky catchphrases stolen straight up from equally dorky movies like White Squall. Like I said earlier, it’s specifically targeted at that demo, AND then they bake in the virtue signaling to scam them out of multiple ticket purchases.

Happy I was able to clear all this up for you, old man.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=327646&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1529910

Honestly, who'd want to know you?
I wouldn't...
You don't present your authentic self. Unauthenticness isn't a virtue.

Dude/Dudette, you out yourself...
"love a good debate. Yes, Taz Judd is
a pseudo name."
...you don't have to be a detective.
You're fake as a wrestler's neck snap.
You say so yourself.

Fake left foot means fake right foot, Mr./Ms. Mannequin.

Doesn't matter who the "real you" is...
...you aren't representing nothing but duplicty, faceteousness and a pathetic disguise.

Tell you what fake person
... One: it's "cower".
Two: fake people have fake opinions.
Three: it's hilarious how you backflip from supporting a closeted bigot to pretending front as a liberated "woman"
...could you be any more disingenuous?
Four:... hope all you want, if Jesus was to pop around the corner it'd be The Scouring Of The Temple all over.
You getting lashed and maybe your table of fakeness flipped to boot.
He's not impressed by fake folks faking being Christian.
Five: fence sitting isnt a virtue either. Fake neutrality isn't ant easier on the gonads.

But you have a nice day playing Pinocchio... I'll be rooting for the last chapter when you magically turn real.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=327646&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1529901