Is it normal to people come to CNN and say the news you post here is worthless? Because i am on 2 psychology pages rn and they complain about the posts or they don't say a word about the subject always with chrap sarcasm and bad jokes. I really want to know because if its true the artists on my 40.000 gifs can say hello to the their new client i will promess them everything in exchange of personal clients, i am a scientist, the only one who speaks emojis i worth something. With some credibility i could do something all incan do is ignore the people that think they are somebody, specially here.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=327856&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1530775

Brian Turner You got that right. Dems need to learn that the law applies to them as well. i saw a video yesterday, where someone confronted Biden about the gun laws etc. it got into a heated argument, showcasing who Biden really is. biden is nasty to say the least. Biden told the guy he wants to take him outside, meaning, beating him up. The guy said to him at one point, "You work for me"... Biden's ignorant and arrogant reply was "I don't work for you" . Strange huh? I thought he was elected to work on behalf of the American citizens and the country. That my dear man is today's Democrat Party. Ignorant, arrogant and will put down anyone who opposes them. They disgust me!!!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=327856&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1530785

He wanted immunity to any future charges. Judge said. I don't think so. I know Dems are all upset about that, but that is how the law is supposed to work. Just because you are a Biden or a Dem does not give you immunity. It's a good day for America. No one is above the law. Pelosi's favorite saying. So let's keep it that way. You do a crime, you pay for it. Simple is it not? Or does it matter if you are a Dem verses Republican?? Is it a 2 tire system? Or are both sides held to the same justice? Dems have been hunting Trump since the day he announced he's running. Now it's Biden's turn to prove his innocence .Does not feel so good does it when it's Biden that you support. Grandpa is not as clean as the driven snow. Neither is his son. Be happy though, because the truth is all coming out. Dems might not like it, but it's coming out regardless. they should be happy about it. After all, it's about the American citizens. Not a Party!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=327856&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1530781

A member of Hunter Bidens legal team pretended to be from an independent source representing oversight who filed an amicus brief exposing the numerous government witnesses with knowledge of the extent of Hunters crimes. They tried to convince the court to seal them, but were caught. The Judge took note and also noticed that an ongoing investigation created conflict with Bidens belief that he was getting immunity. The Judge however saw through this sweetheart deal and prosecutors had to relent and admit that no immunity could be offered. Also when ask about a specific criminal charge being possible, FARA, the prosecution admitted that was possible. That would tie in more money laundering, tax evasion and failure to report foreign payments. That's serious jail time. And....the Biden DOJ already established precident, using it against Trump allies, so to NOT do it with Hinter would show obvious bias.

And in other huge DC news, physcial communication records between the Biden Whitehouse and Facebook/Instagram having the Biden admi. Directly I strutting them to censor US Citizens freedom of speech, and change policy to include what they want restricted, has been produced in connection with the Federal Court Injunction against the Biden admi , stopping them from further violating the First Ammendment free speech clause. The court called the Biden admins actions the countries greatest attack on free speech in its history.

And......Hunter Biden admitted taking money from Chineese government linked energy businesses....something Joe said NEVER HAPPENED.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=327856&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1530780