Trudi Bakosky Parker He has done ALL of that. Let me explain how the economy works. People who have good jobs have disposable income. They pay INCOME TAX, so the government benefits. They buy houses, cars, furniture, appliances, take holidays and go out socially. The businesses benefit and they also pay sales tax. When they buy consumer goods companies need to increase manufacturing due to the demand. This leads to more jobs. BIDEN UNDERSTANDS THAT. He knows how to make the economy work for everyone. Look at FACTS instead of the lying network of right wing media and Rupert Murdoch. Look around at the infrastructure projects and manufacturing starting up. But first see a proctologist and have your head relocated to its rightful position.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=327862&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1530812

Steve Marchiol do you even understand how the economy works. Gas prices went so low because of the pandemic shut down. Do you understand what supply and demand are and how it works. You obviously have no clue and don’t care to educate yourself on what happens if Russia gains more power tRump actually sided with Putin and said he was very smart when it came to invading Ukrainian and said he would have done the same thing This is the analogy a high ranking military official said today to me. If your friend was attacked for no reason at all would you want help for him or would you just sit back and watch

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=327862&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1530818

Jerome Howard, there is "no doubt in your mind"? That is funny. Biden has been in office for three years. Why hasn't he done anything to tax the "ultra rich"? You are gullible if you believe a word he says....
Just so you understand some important facts...the "ultra rich" as you describe them own companies and corporations...those companies and corporations employ people who earn a wage and have benefits because they work for those companies and corporations. Who do you think will be the first to be let go once the companies and corporations start to lose money because of higher taxes? Think about what you write before you post it....

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=327862&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1530815

Trudi Bakosky Parker OMG They DIDN'T get those millions. The TRUMP FAMILY is the family that has scammed and grifted their way through. Ivanka and Jared made $640M while working as UNQUALIFIED White House advisors. Jared got $2B from the Saudis. Trump made millions overcharging Secret Service staying at his properties and foreign dignitaries that he had business with who stayed at his hotel. He is a CROOK and always has been. But he lies and tells you that a man who has been a devout Catholic his entire life is the mastermind of a crime family while at the same time has dementia. Trump is a fake Christian, Serial adulterer, Sexual predator, Career conman, Pathological liar and diagnosed malignant narcissistic sociopath. Time to start getting some facts instead of propaganda. Have you actually seen that evidence? Nope. Because it doesn't exist. But over 1000 REPUBLICANS have supplied texts, emails, phone calls, documents, audio and video to prove that Trump is a CRIMINAL.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=327862&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1530813

Keith Sutton I can name alot of things. And if you didn't have gravy brains yourself it really shouldn't have to be explained to you. Untortunately alot of his great ideas like his infrastructure deal (which is desperately needed), his work to combat climate change, his efforts to make college tuitions more affordable are shot down by republicans. And republican supporters go along with this, because for some retarded reason, republicans would rather pay more for tuition, and healthcare, so the ultra rich can get more tax cuts. I haven't figured that one out yet. My advice, do actual research, stop listening to lies and false narratives put out by his opponents, and

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=327862&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1530817

I may be talking to someone from Hud or something like that,, Ran into something that may need checked out, possible discrimination ?? Not sure,, If I remember tommorro i will find out more,, Lets say housing is unaffordable and more,, The usda seems to rip off people wanting a home on get the incentices back but lets investors make a profit with like section 8,, The home would be cheaper than paying rent forever , but the USDA and such seem to want you to pay them rent forever basicaly speaking that when the loan is paid, they revaluate and want all the incentitives back like you pay forever.. Who wants that really.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=327862&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1530816