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Intellectuals should do SCIENCE and critique religion/ unscientific dogmas / stagnant or decadent traditions. Some might not understand the prejudice and obscurantism they tolerate / suffer / perpetuate when they do not fully comprehend the information structures, the problems, the phenomena they tackle with but somehow resonate with and let themselves changed. Humanity is still in a DARK AGE. And most of the people, imperfect beings as they are, still like to listen to, are fooled by, let themselves be put in a receptive / submissive trance and maybe even dream about the beauty of some concepts and relationships, fictions and manipulations that are being used to charm them, impressed by some imposing orators / influencers, resulting in the imposers feeling and being relevant, valued and powerful even when they are not, even when they have more of a negative impact on the present and the future than the positive effects they might produce. Children let themselves ruled through superstition, unbalanced or even shut down by the fear of the unknown though forfeiting (consciously or not) their ability to understand reality, continuously trapped in erroneous, obfuscating, mind twisting, belittling, LIMITING narratives (woven with intelligent and intense intent to attain certain interests) and succumb with sheepish respect towards often hypocritical predators that are historically long past the state of being shamed and fearing fictional but "hard to disprove" Gods (hard to disprove by the unawaken average or below average citizen with the complicity of the educated elite that profits from their lack of knowledge and wisdom, potentially controlling them). As long as fooling the uneducated for inducing / inculcating irrational / illogical beliefs is acceptable, and it's being done with the cooperation of and in the interest of the lawful government, the elite will remain predatorial and criminal towards the lower level peers, who are kept down through either incompetence or with ill-intentioned and expensive investment for their oppression. Conscious DECEIVEMENT, fraud are crimes, are they not?

Even kings have always shown signs of a mindset more primitive than intelligent / enlightened and accept the (supernatural) anthropomorphism and let themselves be humbled by, succumb to and sometimes even praise the destruction natural phenomena implacably cause. Or they were just amused by it and used their deeper understanding of high order patterns and exploitable human weaknesses, like the larger than life pathetic trance predisposition / the romanticized seductive / captivating (head hunting, parasitical to an almost cannibalistic extent) behavior that is unbalancing and fooling the uneducated victims, pushing and keeping them indulging in self-harming (auto-decapitating, stagnant, decadent) habits, in the favor of the charming apex predators (the puppet masters), always keeping their knowledge outside the reach of the commoners destined to live and be exploited as slaves, worker drones, pets. We have resources now to stop and improve the mechanisms that were always more destructive than generating (even tyrants, to be able to impose themselves as just, might think that war can contribute to the amelioration of the species, or it is unavoidable, with a scientific and cynical precision, and military strength is still causing large expenses in competing nations and alliances), mechanisms, for too long, accepted as natural, normal and healthy (with contradictory effects) for general populations and the ruling elites. Secrecy and expensive covert warfare was a means to keep the supremacy of dynasties for as long as possible, the ascendance of the initiated over the unawaken / lower level peers, to maintain the influence of the entities specialized in control that could be lucidly perceived as illegitimate / unlawful by a learned man of culture. The entities that strongly invest in the optimal use of resources and the inhibition / neutralization of threats and adversities can easily corrupt a society not committed to a whole heartedly effort for the evolution towards a democratic regime based on merit and conflict resolution, never favoring unfair advantages / legislative loopholes, not covering their exploitable but improvable imperfections with a superior investment than into the direction of trying to amend them.

And we end up at war because of some ignorant brain parasites, anecdotally informed, trained specifically to close minds, to shut down brains, to dominate and maliciously inspire their assets, their opponents, by any means available and necessary.

Intelligence, honesty, charisma, the ability to transcend any conflict and drive / inspire the "system" towards equilibrium by providing solutions that accommodate the expectations of the entities involved, are qualities that will always gain the respect and admiration of any opponent, sure ways to make peace. Are our leaders too inhibited by the mind numbing adversarial maneuvers of overly-specialized "sadistic" handlers (their own military pets might jab / torture / inhibit them to cognitive depression with their limited but incontestable knowledge and blunt emotional honesty, maybe the "control freaks" are too good at their jobs? and are killing - unrepairable prejudicing - all the "geniuses" they get to track / hunt) that they forgot how to enchant their public? Are they dumbed and radicalized to think the use of force is the main strategic advantage they can have over competitors? Are they ... competent? You know "history" will judge you by different standards than the narrow minded necessities that determines your behavior in the present. You will be judged as the great fools of your times. Little creatures, with the always excusable limited intelligence, caught in habits, "job profiles", "surviving and even thriving" behaviors, shackles they were not yet able to escape. Please invest in those initiatives that can educate even the "enemy children" (and you're not doing it for your own population, are you?) to perform the jobs that will bring sanity and prosperity in all markets / populations and glory and admiration for whoever can design the needed education / delayed gratification (yes! for profit!) system. Humanity is interconnected and if you cannot run an empire of the mind to keep it stable you do not deserve to run in by force. You are and always will be constantly put down, your public leaders will be empty minded puppets. Are you running an illegitimate clandestine headless empire run by strong intention and impulses from powerful and intelligent soldiers that will do whatever it takes to remain protected / covert, to forever fight the opponents from a position of superiority, already forfeiting idealism and the self programming they would need to be the most efficient and profitable cognitive engines / entrepreneurs / scientists / ILLUMINARIES of their people, for humanity to evolve not to stagnate and decay in the present's and the foreseeable future's tolerated misery? Are they captured by the military (social media) as little kids and live as slaves for the rest of their lives, even if they are superior to the burned and hardened slave drivers at the top, simplified and entrapped into primitive mindsets? Are we doomed to a perpetual civil and global cold war because of our society's impotence in evolving the GLOBAL political establishment, the ARBITRATION and conflict resolution mechanisms?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=328130&lang=ES#vin3Comment-1532035