According to Hunter Bidens business partner Devon Archer, President Biden was on the phone and pushed the “brand” while talking to Hunters foreign business partners, and the FBI still pushed for him to become President!

He also said that when Ukraine felt pressure from the Ukrainian prosecutor, they had Hunter call his dad to put an end to it. That’s when Biden was caught on camera saying he withheld aid to Ukraine of they didn’t fire the prosecutor.

The worst thing about all of this? The FBI knew all of this, but refused to do anything. They knew the man running for President sold out his country, and still pushed for him to become President. This country is corrupt to its core

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=328433&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1533414

Let’s take advice from people who actually live in areas that are hot all summer long with no breaks. Let’s see here do most of your cooling at night. Drop the temperature down a few degrees because it takes longer to warm up during the day. Make sure you keep curtains and blinds closed at all times. Because the sun can overpower your air condition. Keep all doors open around the house. That aids in air circulation. When you cook on the stove and you remove a pot or pan from a hot eye immediately put a pot of cold water on the eye as it’s cooling down. The cold water is orbs all the heat. And then the water can be just dumped down the drain and flush with cold water.  Watch how many lights you have burning. Those put out a lot of heat too.  Make sure you keep doors and windows closed at all times because I promised that it is cooler in your house then it is outside.  Limit the number of electrical appliance is going in your house at one time because those also put off heat too. Back to cooking on the stove. Limit the number of eyes you use try to use no more than two. Every little bit helps. Also, take a cool shower before bed.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=328433&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1533413