Any of you numbskulls even read the article? She posted about attendance, understandably somewhat down about it, others gave her some advice and encouragement, the attention generated some publicity, and nice folk gave her performance a look- see. You know nothing at all about the quality of the play or actress, but feel the need to crap on a feel good story to show the world you got your big boy pants on. Every time you battle cry about the most innocuous stories, you tear society down just a little more. You weak little minds and black little hearts really are pathetic.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=329062&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1536334

I have been critiqued as been a cold person. Well ,iam far from that ,and I grew up in the middle of art,theatre,music and film. It hurts like hell when you feel your work is not appreciated. I would quit,and then come back for more. When I say you have to develop a thick skin is a healthy way of you to not give up on your dream,to keep fighting for it. It's the only way to triumph in this business. I wish you the best even when it's only 3 in the audience. The full house will feel so good knowing that you show up for all. Break a leg.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=329062&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1536337

Nick Sestrac I have heard that elementary school kids today have this...everyone has to be a "winnah" or else parents are upset. I'm in my 70s and this is no way to prepare for the real world. I hate the "winnah" metric. If you don't excel today, maybe you will excel at something else tomorrow. Maybe you will try harder at something you didn't commit to the last time. This is how you find your true path, because no child needs they have to do as well at everything as everyone else. Or be just as popular as everyone else, or that they have to be friends with all the "cool" kids in order to be fulfilled. It's hard for kids to find their way; harder, I think, when their parents act this way.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=329062&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1536333

Why is pity become the norm now to get what you want? people didn't show up it happens not everything is going to be a success not everything is going to be big I'm sick of this

it's just like the people who whine nobody came to my birthday party it's like you knew you didn't have any direct friends if you didn't have family to come why did you throw a birthday party? versus doing a very small intimate family gathering.

And then suddenly you are getting gifts from stars and everything else it's your birthday party nobody's entitled to a birthday party or that lots of people show up just like no one's entitled to really anything else. this is not a case of a company doing you wrong or something more major this is just you had a play or an event and nobody was interested in it boo hoo

No I don't care if she worked hard yada yada lots of people work hard and they don't get what they want or deserve either it's called life

now everybody runs online and says oh this person made me feel bad or I feel bad I felt upset I felt unseen I felt unheard okay I get it it happens to everyone multiple times throughout life you need to learn to cope as an adult or child move on if you have a failure and keep striving for success

Disappointment is a normal part of life it's nothing bad to where you magically deserve tons of people running to your rescue to Pat you on the back

It's like to be successful you have to have a sob story now

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=329062&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1536332