What will forever astound me about MAGA, is just how many of them will vote against their own self-interests to support Trump.

Trump has sexually abused women and said he would date his own daughter.
Called women dogs and bragged about sexual assault, and he has said that he wants a federal ban on abortion.
Women will vote for him anyway.

He dodged the draft, attacked a POW, called fallen war heroes suckers & losers, disparaged scores of Generals, tried to gut the VA and will decimate it if given the chance.
Veterans and members of the military will vote for him anyway.

He wants to destroy public education, cut food stamps, Medicaid, housing assistance, and other welfare programs that millions of Americans rely on.
The poor will vote for him anyway.

He doesn’t care about any of them. He doesn’t want to help any of them. He would willingly hurt all of them. And has.
But they don’t care.
Because he hates who they hate.

And sadly, that’s all they think they need.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=330324&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1543094

(Poem by Mark De Colibus) "Oh Banyan Tree, Please Live for me"

Stand strong oh tree for all to see, strong roots and limbs live on for me.
To the top oh tree, for all to see. Do not fail, there is hope for me.
Live on oh tree, be big and tall. Spread your arms and do not fall.
Let God enrich your soil for me, do not fade so all can see.
The birds once home in thee to nest, will soon come home and be at rest.
Speak to all in years to come, let all who see experience some. Of who we are oh strong tree be, now spread your arms be strong for me
You will not die nor tell a lie, my eyes now wept in tears I sigh
Oh strong tree live for us to share,
the struggles that now we all must bare.
Thus onward and upward embrace the light, reach out your arms with all your might.
You will die not die, we hear you cry, in our hearts we feel your sigh.
Now live on oh tree for all to see , Lahaina our hopes and dreams will be. Be a symbol to show the world your strong, show others that you are now our song.
Live on oh tree be strong for me, give hope and life for all to see.
Be brave and tall for all to see, shine forth your soul that you will be.
Be thou our shade, our living cup, take roots oh tree and now drink up.
You will not die, you will die.Thank you oh tree, and live for me.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=330324&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1543097

It has already started ...
How I wrote = said, the Problems are getting Bigger and more Expensive, every Day more and every Day faster.
I have read, there is always a sign of Hope.
And I wrote ...
Yes, there is always a sign of Hope, but Politicians should see it too. Otherwise they guide the Country = the People straight into the abyss with their Incompetence.
How one can see it in Germany, if not immediately something great happen soon for the Country and the People. And I have a the Feeling, the Destiny of the World depends on it.
I mean, let's see it this way. The Nature ensures for Normality = for Balance and for Life on Earth.
Now the Earth is but is Sick, and the Climate Change is the Illness as well the Immune System = Defense System in one and the Human is in the Moment the Pathogens. And the Human cannot fast enough adapt on the Climate Change. What means, the Human will Die out.
But although the Politicians have Studied = have attended a College, they don't understand it. Because, the Politicians let themselves to much lead in Temptation, from Power = Greed = Lobby - Agreements, and they are Incompetent.
They don't know, what is to do. At least the German Politicians.
And with it they waste a lot of Time, they procrastinate much Time, that means, we lose too much Time. We don't have much Time, to Solve the Problems. The Time is pressing, the Time is running out. Every Day Faster.
How I wrote, and so they guide the Country = the People straight into the abyss with their Incompetence.
Maybe even the whole World = the Humanity.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=330324&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1543092