Steven Picco Biden didn’t raise interest rates. The Fed did, to slow the economy down. Greedy Oil companies set the price of gas, not the President. Just pay attention to the massive profits they are reaping, while gouging Americans at the pump. Put the blame where it belongs. And you fail to mention millions of new jobs have been created under Biden, including hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs. Infrastructure projects are going on all over the country. Unemployment is at record lows. The economy is growing. The market is strong. Inflation has been reduced by more than half in the last year. Republicans said we would be in a deep recession by now, they were wrong. They are wrong about a lot of things.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=331036&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1546527

Kevin Gillette I did not. I do not know a crime was committed but an open investigation is needed. Hunter could easily have been investigated by Barr. I noticed the red sparrow flew the Coup pun intended. Is that why the GOP was so busy. Leaving a Marine behind for Political donations? 5 jurisdictions with State and federal charges is Significant. The time wasted takes away from real problems here in the USA. Stop political donations from foreign Countries and the problem is solved. I remember many state legislatures were blue until the Supreme Court found in favor of them. The damage done is catastrophic to our electoral system. As for the weed you are correct on both accounts. Prior weed charges. Last year it was two joints and a 4 month sentence. Prior weed charges of multiple pounds. It’s funny because now these felonies disbar me from selling weed legally. Funny how that works.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=331036&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1546547

Mark Paley That may be true, but the GOP is well aware of the fact that their base will take the accusations as fact, because thats what they want to believe. They did the same character assassination against Hillary, and despite the fact that the Republican Congressional Committe couldn't even find evidence to indict, much less convict her, they still claim she is guilty, because that's also what they want to believe. The GOP learned a long time ago that they could try anyone in the court of public opinion and have it stick with their base because there they could lie and not face perjury charges like they would in a real court. That's why this "investigation will remain in the committee and they will drag it out as long as they can !!!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=331036&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1546540

Aaron Brewster what?? If the case against him proves guilt, then prosecute criminal behavior. Politicians on BOTH sides of the aisle can be corrupt?? I never thought of that until criminal conman Trump arrived on the scene. That's the thing with the actual "left", we don't defend and support criminals simply because they are a little closer to our "agenda". How many Biden flags do you see waving? We are not a cult. We have been forced to choose lesser evils because of the electoral system. These monied clowns rarely represent the "left". But you don't see us attempting to disrupt our democratic process. We are stuck in a very dumb battle of human rights that have nothing to do with the work that our government should be concerned with.

The fact that my fellow citizens want to inflict pain, suffering, and control over other fellow citizens is disturbing and disgusting.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=331036&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1546526

I am glad that we are trying to find the truth of the Biden Crime Family. Sad, that the Biden's did not have the decency to pay taxes on the millions of $$$$ from foreign entities that provided no product or service. Only one conclusion, they bought then VP Biden. Here is a clue; money funneled through 20 fake companies to Biden family members. Another clue: then VP Biden used 3 aliases on government documents and copied Hunter on these emails. Not to mention all the trips Hunter Biden took with his father on Air Force Two on these foreign trips that gave money to the Biden family.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=331036&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1546530

Everyone's feelings about this news may be different. Some may support the GOP investigation of the Hunter Biden case as a necessary step to ensure impartiality and transparency. They may think that this move will reveal the truth about political interference and may affect the reputation of President Biden.

On the other hand, some may see the investigation as politically motivated and aimed at discrediting President Biden and his family. They may worry that this kind of investigation is only used to maliciously hunt down opponents and has no real legal basis.

No matter what personal views on this news, we should pay close attention to the results and progress of the investigation, and maintain an objective and fair attitude towards this incident.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=331036&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1546525

Edward Hill remember it's a crime just having documents. How long he had them nobody knows, and who could have seen them nobody knows. He had in his possession illegal documents. Not to mention his involvement with hunter. That's in the works.
Bill should have gone to jail because he lied under oath. Democrats back then said, " oh its not a big deal".
There is a double standard. Right now with all that's going on with Trump, the polls have them 47% to 46%. Also Remember, the electoral college in 2020 only had about 80,000 votes diferrence. So if Trump would have gotten 80,001 he'd be president today. That's why democrats don't want this to go the elections. Hence the indictments.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=331036&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1546546

Reproductive rights are where they belong in the hands of the State. American Rescue plan, you're kidding right, it needs to be rescued from this administration, I will give someone credit for the infrastructure bill, and when did you purchase your last prescription? You have proved nothing, Inflation at it's highest, border out of control, billions spent on the Ukraine, he made 9 million jobs, laughable, just those that were out of jobs because of Covid went back to work, failed pull out of Afghanistan costing 14 American lives, he never talked to the smartest man he knows about his business dealings, look he a crook like Trump. Admit he's done more harm than good, hell he can't even find his way off the stage anymore.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=331036&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1546545

Kevin Gillette just 1.3 billion From the Kashoggi killer and don’t get me started on Ivanka and China. Stop all foreign money from our elections immediately. Oh wait, Citizens United. For the record his kids were not investigated. Biden and Trump kids may both be testifying against their parents. Any plea bargains for any of them should include prison. I don’t care which party. You’re communicating with a guy that received 9 years for weed. It’s not about party to me. Biden pushed the drug laws that helped deliver my sentence. I have no doubt they are all guilty. The sad part is when I compare pot to what these folks did and the religious zealots who consistently promote their double standards at every opportunity. .

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=331036&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1546539

Greg Sink I am well aware of the chances any impeachment would have in the Senate. As Democrats were fond of saying, what was the phrase? Oh yeah, once impeached, always impeached. He does not need to be removed from office. Let’s be clear, I’ll vote for anyone who doesn’t have a (D) next to their name. A shame if that has to be Trump, but if it is, so be it. I for one don’t think it’s government’s job to “do something for the American people”, it’s their job just to stay the hell out of our way and quit passing more and more laws and spending TRILLIONS. The inflation we’ve seen so far is NOTHING compared to what Dems would do if they had the Oval Office and majority in Congress. They would immediately declare a climate emergency and propose spending on the order of TENS OF TRILLIONS, citing “modern monetary theory” which says we are not constrained at all by revenue when it comes to government spending. All the other nonsense Democrats are up to is dangerous, but nothing would destroy this country faster than them having unfettered control of the purse strings.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=331036&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1546550