Donald J. Trump is assuming the results of his choices, and no one is more responsible for the consequences than the former president himself - the only person responsible is Trump himself - who has no cognitive aptitude for political management and lawful conduct to assume a position of President from the USA.
And what do Americans think about having a criminal president in the @whitehouse?
Donald Trump dug his own grave, lay in it, and now he's asking for dirt to be thrown over him, and continues to spread the friar's lie in the elections 20.
There is no room for fascism within a Democracy and within the framework of modern political management.
Who qualifies to throw the last shovel of lime?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=331317&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1548310

Ricardo Huitron secret service will go with

Could Trump face prison? “Theoretically, yes and practically, no,” said Chuck Rosenberg, a former top federal prosecutor and counsel.

Any federal district judge ought to understand it raises enormous and unprecedented logistical issues,” Rosenberg said of the prospect Trump could be incarcerated. “Probation, fines, community service and home confinement are all alternatives.”

Former and current Secret Service agents said that while there is no precedent, they feel certain the agency would insist on providing some form of 24/7 protection to an imprisoned former president.

Unless there are changes in legislation or the former president waives protection, the U.S. Secret Service would likely maintain a protective environment around the president in accordance with their current practices.”

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=331317&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1548307

The crazy Dem radicals are sinking their own party. Independents and Moderate Dems are fed up with the far left hucksters. They are making politics more and more divisive . Nothing will get done in Congress. They tried to use a phony, Democratic paid for, Russian Dozier to cancel out a US election. They tried to impeach again with phony Russian collusion. The Repubs got the House back, and not they will spend years going after the Dems. Recent study on ABC news shows that the majority of kids in High School are becoming Conservatives. Moderates and Independents no longer like the direction that the far left have taken the party. The young people are especially pissed. Cannot afford gas, rent. Insurance, vehicles. Inflation killing them. Keep.it up Democrats. I see them.losing the Senate as well as the House.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=331317&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1548311

Donna Corey Hello I hope your day has been good and productive too. I must say you are so beautiful too and have a lovely smile. If you are happy that God gave you another day to live, can I get a share and an Amen. I just truly believe meeting you here is never by chance or mistake but I would like us to be friends. May you enjoy the blessings of good health, peace, and prosperity. I believe God watches over all of us day and night, I love your posts. I always like what you comment here on this page but we're not friends yet, I have tried several times trying to add you as a Facebook friend but it's not going through. Hope you don't mind trying from your side?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=331317&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1548318

Esther Murray Hello I hope your day has been good and productive too. I must say you are so beautiful too and have a lovely smile. If you are happy that God gave you another day to live, can I get a share and an Amen. I just truly believe meeting you here is never by chance or mistake but I would like us to be friends. May you enjoy the blessings of good health, peace, and prosperity. I believe God watches over all of us day and night, I love your posts. I always like what you comment here on this page but we're not friends yet, I have tried several times trying to add you as a Facebook friend but it's not going through. Hope you don't mind trying from your side?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=331317&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1548317

Zana Carter Hello, I hope your day was good and productive as well. I have to say that you are so beautiful too and have a beautiful smile. If you're glad that God gave you another day to live, can I have a share and amen? I firmly believe that meeting you here is not a coincidence or oversight, but I want us to be friends. May you enjoy the blessings of health, peace and prosperity. I believe God is watching over us day and night, love your posts. I always like what you comment here on this site, but we're not friends yet. I've tried several times to add you as a Facebook friend but it doesn't work. I hope you don't mind trying from your end?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=331317&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1548319

Bridgette Prioletti Hello, I hope your day was good and productive as well. I have to say that you are so beautiful too and have a beautiful smile. If you're glad that God gave you another day to live, can I have a share and amen? I firmly believe that meeting you here is not a coincidence or oversight, but I want us to be friends. May you enjoy the blessings of health, peace and prosperity. I believe God is watching over us day and night, love your posts. I always like what you comment here on this site, but we're not friends yet. I've tried several times to add you as a Facebook friend but it doesn't work. I hope you don't mind trying from your end?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=331317&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1548320

Terry Burks Hello, I hope your day was also good and productive. I have to say that you are also so beautiful and have a beautiful smile. If you're glad that God gave you another day to live, can I have a share and an amen? I firmly believe that meeting you here is never by accident or mistake, but I want us to be friends. May you enjoy the blessings of health, peace and prosperity. I believe God is watching over us all day and night, love your posts. I always like what you comment here on this site, but we're not friends yet. I've tried several times to add you as a Facebook friend, but it doesn't work. I hope you don't mind trying from your end?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=331317&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1548321

Jay Maytin haha they aren't really investigating anything on that. You have been fooled. CNN said they aren't investigating why he had the documents which is the biggest reason for an investigation. They are investigating how and keep saying he voluntarily turned them over when he had them decades and what was reported it was about countries and other foreign entities including similar classified documents that Trump had. Here's the thing further research shows these foreign countries and entities were the same as what his son did business with or was trying to do business with. I think after decades Joe Biden could had already got use of those documents so turning them over didn't matter. That's another reason Weiss needed to investigate Joe on Hunter's business dealings.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=331317&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1548323

Now for the Truth, from a former liberal.

---If you want to claim that elections are not rigged then you might not want to arrest the people who question that, because then it looks like they are rigged.

---Telling people to march peacefully is not inciting. By law, inciting means telling people to actually do something which Trump did not. Trump even tweeted telling the rioters to be peaceful.

---Lawyers will have to prove that Trump knew he lost. It doesnt matter if you think he did, what matters is what Trump thought. That will be downright impossible to prove.

---I dont even like Trump but wanting someone to go to jail because you dont like them is fascism.

---The side who burnt down cities, took over areas with armed people, and who wants people to go to jail for misgendering and hurting feelings, wont talk about democracy or fascism. Not one liberal cares about the little riot on Jan 6th.

---Remember when liberals said that dissent was patriotic, that elections are easily rigged, to not trust the courts and system, and how anyone can be paid off?

---Boomerang Effect. Gore, Clinton, Abrams, and pretty much every politician have done just as bad if not worse stuff. Conservative DA's will start to go after democrats most likely.

---Guiliani, Lake and Fox did not admit they lied about the election, they simply admitted to lying about certain comments they made. It's respectful to admit you are wrong, unlike liberals who never admit wrongdoing (just like Alinsky told them).

---Other conservatives simply dont want the system coming after them so they obviously fit in or stay quiet.

---Saying elections are rigged, calling someone and saying you want to find votes, and making a tweet, are not illegal.

---Any lawyer knows you can indict a ham sandwich.

---Liberals are forgetting one key thing: The Supreme Court is conservative. If Trump is found guilty of something there will be appeals all the way up, and the Supreme Court knows the law and will overturn.

---No, Trump cannot be disqualified for running for president. He is not being charged with insurrection, and he did not commit it either.

---Anything the elite left wing media says, assume the opposite is true. It's Alinsky's famous rule of "accuse the other side of what you yourself are doing".

---Russia with Trump? Russia invaded no one under Trump. They invaded Crimea under Obama and Ukraine under Biden.

---History shows that when the system is coming after you mercilessly, you did something right. Assange? Snowden? MLK? Navalny? Jesus himself? Mandela?

---The term "Big Lie" was coined by Hitler. Ouch.

To liberals: I know you all are on anti-depressants and benzos so you dont know any better, but this is USSR nonsense and thats dangerous, and so are you all. The system will come after you too someday once you disagree on something.

To conservatives: This isn't about Trump, this is about your country turning into the USSR. My opinion is that it's unclear if Trump can win so you need to get behind the person who will win.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=331317&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1548308