Mkapuza Odwa: I never said "people aren't welcome in Europe." Stop putting words in my mouth. I'm only saying "when in Rome, do as Romans do." You don't go to your neighbor's home and demand they change the rules of their home to accommodate you. You change yourself to accommodate the rules of the home. If this is too much to ask of you, then you are free to leave and find another home that's more accommodating. Many, if not all Muslim countries force non-Muslim residents to live by their laws, in accordance with their culture, or face, often draconian, consequences. Why can't western countries do the same? And, for your information, I was born in and live in the U.S. We never colonized, or looted the African continent.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=333649&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1559884

Nasir Usman This may be a violation of personal rights but it does only apply to schools. And Orthodox Jewish garb is also banned. Anyway, you should understand that France and the UK societies are built on the foundations of the Enlightenment, in which we have freedom of expression, including the freedom to burn the Koran, the Torah or other sacred texts, and the freedom to joke about everything sacred, including publishing funny cartoons on your Prophet, or making fun of God himself - without getting violent retribution from a particular community. Yes to every kind of expression, even insulting a prophet, and NO to violence. And if people can't agree to live in this kind of society then they shouldn't be in Europe. That said, kids should be able to wear what they want as long as their faces aren't covered.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=333649&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1559878

Bryon CurryI am a handsome absolutely beautiful South African peacefully enjoying his life under the sun of zero terrorism & the most beautiful country you never been to.

2ndly my views are purely based on European & Western atrocities,looting & exploitation accross the globe.They invaded & infested themselves thuggishly all over the world unauthorized.

You said “Europe can’t be Eurostan” implying other cultures are not allowed in Europe except European descendants. So my question to you where do you get that audacity to not welcome other cultures in Europe when you have a history of looting,thuggery,terrorism,atrociously invaded other countries & looted some more repeated to build your economy m,inhumanely abused & violated human rights in the process with no regard of life. What gives you a moral authority to say people are not welcome in Europe.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=333649&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1559881

The crap these people want to subject to, Western European democracy. What a person wears, regardless of the situation is none of your business. In the United States the cultural wars is a bunch of crap. Individual freedoms and liberties have boundaries, so are is the limitations of governmental power. To preserve our Constitutional Republic, maybe we should go to war with the countries people insist that we follow. After we destroy those countries, we can return a bunch of you from where you came. My anger, my animosity is about the inability of people to mind their own business. You say negative things about other people, but any responses to your negativity, you are victims. Explains why the dumpster fire (Trump) is the centerpiece in questioning what is the United States.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=333649&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1559879

Mkapuza Odwa: Really? Because it looked to me like the Afghan Army, who the U.S. spent trillions of dollars and 20 years equipping and training, just laid down their weapons and ran from the Taliban as soon as we announced we were pulling out of Afghanistan. Seems to me that cowardly men in those parts of the world aren't doing much of anything to fight for democracy against the authoritarian regimes oppressing them, except begging the U.S. and our allies to spend OUR money and spill OUR blood to fight those regimes FOR them. Why should the west sacrifice their children and treasure doing what you cowards refuse to do for yourselves?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=333649&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1559880