Mary Johnson there’s no way to impeach. In a monopoly world you have to do what it takes to manipulate and gain power. Trump did it best because he understood the system against the big guys. He understood how to manipulate the market and made America energy independent, Putin had some respect and no one dared to mess with the US. He did some unlawful stuff just like any other politician in the office. Whatever, Biden held secret files as well and not even as a president.
We need someone strong and someone who understands the system, someone with guts who doesn’t bite his tongue for any threat. Someone who can call out the crooks, the manipulators and the weak because America should come first, not a foreign country

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=333654&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1559916

NASA and other agencies hearken back to a time when the USA was managed by adults who grew up in the depression and won WW2. The greatest generation. Today we are managed by perverts who imagine being the opposite gender and get you fired if you don't play along with their sick mind games. The criminal DOJ ignores pedophiles who pay to rape kids but persecute their political opponents. NASA and other agencies need to be dissolved or privatized to make enough profit to fund themselves. 31 trillion in debt and the only reason we are not acting like we are bankrupt is because criminals in government keep increasing the debt.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=333654&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1559915

Yet...since 2001 alone we have wasted $9 TRILLION on wars that benefited us not a bit. And continuing to spend hundreds of millions on a war the Europeans should be fighting for themselves. Today, our national debt is $32 Trillion & 910 Billion. It will hit $33Trillion in about 2 weeks.

Much of the debt over thee last 20 years has been for wars that have not benefited us at all. Only the arms dealers & politicians benefit. With that $9 TRILLION we could already have colonized Mars.

Watch the debt clock in real time and see it increase by the second.


Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=333654&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1559921