Erica Popescu The Palestinians defend their land, which was occupied for 75 years. The law guarantees resistance to the occupier in all ways
During this period, hundreds of Palestinians, including children, women and the elderly, are killed every day, hospitals and schools are unjustly bombed, and hundreds of them are arrested. This is the longest occupation in history, within the ears of the world, which is completely unjust and has double standards. Why don’t you say that?
May I ask you a question, sir, if someone came and asked you to leave your home or country because he would take it from you and stay there, would this be suitable for you?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=337553&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1583849

If you want to know why Israel don't contain their insatiable greed and genocide then look no further than the US government and their "we will always stand with Israel".
Question: Did they know something was going to happen and they stood down the security forces? What other possible explanation can there be?
For 3-6 hours they were able to breach the border, kill hundreds without a finger of resistance from the Israel military that surrounds Gaza. But wait, they even made their way back through the border taking hostages back into Gaza, the most secure area on the planet? How can that happen unless Israel stood down their security forces and allowed this to happen.

Even if we take this pathetic the "intelligence failed" excuse there are physical troops 24/7.
The position we are now in, equally orchestrated?

Israel now has the world's permission to effectively ethnically cleanse the Palestinians from "Israel" which is Palestine. It's only "Israel" because the jews reneged on peace agreements after the past wars because they know that the US has Israel's back no matter the attoricties they commit against the Palestinians. Why does the US have Israel's back no matter the genocide they have committed against the Palestinians in the past 70 years? How many Jews are in the US government? Plenty and then some.
Anthony Blinken, the US Secretary of State flew into "Israel" today and said "the US will always be there for Israel". People seriously ask "how did this happen" and "we stand with Israel". Blinkin, you guessed it is jewish.
Lindsay Graham a US law maker is already saber rattling that the US needs to bomb Iran's oil fields. Just a "coincidence" or all part of the plan to justify war with Iran who we are being informed back Hamas.
US election imminent and war time presidents never lose an election.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=337553&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1583817

This day will never go away. This day the Isreali have bommbed a hospital.They have killed the doctor, the children, the wounded . Splashed bodies all over the hospital. A man holding what is left of his children an a plastic bag. There is no human mind can justify what happened and what is still happening. Don't be fooled with lies at the first few hours Isreal adopted the act an Israeli official said that they were suffering of shortage of electricity and medical aid and that they gave merciful death he called bommbing a hospital and killing everyone in it a merciful death. There are videos documenting the moment that the Isrealis airplan dropped the bommb . And then they started making up lies and Photoshop a video they only forgot to but an accurate date. The bommb dropped is MK_84 where would hamas get that American made bomb.who received such bommbs in recent days as a part of the "support" ? Just don't let the media blind your eyes from the truth. They threatened just a few days to bomb five hospital. They already have bommbed school, UN facilities sheltering civilians. The genocide in Gaza is the biggest evadance of thier terrorism and war crime and that they will be stopped at no thing becouse they think they can do whatever they want and get away with it as this how it was been for more than 7 decades. The are criminals and terrorist committing a genocide.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=337553&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1583794

Andy Skorupski You believe that because you want to. Biden’s stance on the bombing of the hospital “I believe Israel just because they say it’s not them” Will guarantee he isn’t in office next term.

America has lied about things that happen in that region to go to war and to escalate there. (911) And Israel does that same thing. I don’t support neither side.
But I have an understanding that the history there is similar to black people’s in America. The oppressor and the oppressed. The oppressor ALWAYS seems to feel they should be believe just because they say so.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=337553&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1583774

It is not necessary to establish a peace corridor, it is not necessary to produce new and endless production of war refugees.
But in this case, structure a military fortification neighboring the territory of Gaza, still in Israel, and ensure a demilitarized zone there to promote the TEMPORARY withdrawal of the Palestinian civilian population from the zone of direct Israeli military conflicts. This demilitarized zone must necessarily have the installation of military field hospitals from Arab countries such as Iran, Tunisia, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq. Responsibility for military security in this demilitarized zone must lie with a country that shares a direct border with Israel, to be established by consensus at the UN. The costs of this installation need to be allocated equally by the current government of the Gaza Strip (future country Palestine) and Israel. After the conclusion of military activity, the Palestinian civilian population must NECESSARY return to their original territory.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=337553&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1583742

Lee Bar-ilan
Let us forget what happened in the hospital, even though everything is clear, but let us forget that because you know the truth but you don't want to accept it .....
Now Is it what has been happening for seven days of bombing innocent people from the resistance??! Is what is happening from 75 years ago of occupation of Palestine, injustice, prisoners, killing, persecution, They stole the land of Palestine all of this from the resistance ?!?
If your answer is yes, go and study history
Other than that, the days will prove to all that free palestine
Freeeeee palestine

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=337553&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1583818

Wafa Dahmani The consensus is it was a Hamas failed rocket which exploded in the parking lot of the hospital. The crater is too small to be an Israeli airstrike and judging that the cars in the parking lot that were not destroyed the claim by Hamas that 500 people were killed is now rejected by most as just Hamas lying.

Hamas hit that hospital and then tried to claim it was Israel. Hamas lied. Yes the group who begun a war by slaughtering 1300 Israeli men, women, and children are not to be trusted. Who would have ever thought it possible?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=337553&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1583835

Faced with the tragedy of the Palestinian Arab people, who is who?!
The destruction, the cruel occupation, the crimes and genocide that are taking place in Gaza and the issue of the tortured Palestinian Arab people, are no longer within the reach of modest Arab/Islamic diplomacy..for a long time, it seems, in the face of so much ''political fatigue'' to resolve even the tragic humanitarian issue, and it has been this way for a long time unfortunately...
Therefore, it should no longer be called an ethnic, nationalist or religious issue, but it has become a global humanitarian issue...
In reality, the difference now is between those of whatever nationality, belief or ethnicity, who are still truly interested and concerned about humanity...
And those who hate it !!
Mohamed Ibrahim

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=337553&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1583785

Diane Ferranti-Lechner Yes, your truth is known throughout all of history...the most mentioned story in the Qur’an is the story of our master Moses with his people, the Children of Israel...he left them as slaves...he returned and found them worshiping the cow...the story of the cow...and the story of your complaining about the food that God sent you...and He punished you with disgrace in Sinai Desert: Forty years of your much complaining, hypocrisy, and shaking of your faith... O children of Israel, you will certainly corrupt the earth twice... once in the days of our master Moses, this time... the Qur’an has told us about you, and it is more telling than the story of our master Muhammad, because you are the cause of the destruction of this time... and we know who controls the world. Everything is trending... Don't be afraid, no one is ignorant anymore... The young ones have become educated and we know how Hitler does to every Jew... because they are the cause of the corruption of the earth... This is the painful truth that you think the world does not know, oh...

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=337553&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1583799

I see the evidence. I see the rocket live the ground and failing. Israel only fires by planes. I know my people who were killed and slaughtered last saturday, and I am willing to take any measures to assure that this will not happen again. The Arabs on the other hand would like to leave the palestinians stuck in Gaza, not letting them out, leaving them to human-shield terrorists. Well, that is their choice. We have hostages in there. Kinda too busy to care about the human sacrifice a Hamas wants to make of their children. If anyone really cared about them they would pressure Egypt to let them out. But Arabs only care about them as protectors of Hamas. As destroyers of Israel. Otherwise, they would let them out.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=337553&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1583846