Jared Dee So 90% of crime guns are stolen? Because 90% of the guns used in a crime are not obtained by “following the law”, and a criminal who is denied the right to purchase firearms in one state cannot go to a different state and purchase one legally. A federal background check for retail sales is required in every state, and federal gun laws must be enforced in each state, including the law against private sales across state lines. No state has weaker laws than our federal laws.

So, with that being said, let me ask you, have you ever asked your Democratic representatives why, when they had full legislative power in DC, they didn’t strengthen federal gun laws? Multiple times they had majority control for a two year period and did nothing more than one half assed bill that did nothing to stop gun violence. In fact, it was just enough to make their voters think they were trying, but in reality, it was just a stunt to get them to the midterms. Knowing they would likely lose seats, they intended to go back to blaming republicans for not passing new (and intentionally extreme) gun control bills.

I find it interesting that you believe people who purchase and own firearms are weak and selfish. How about you go and say that to those who are part of this new trend of first time gun owners. Tell them they’re selfish for wanting to protect themselves and their families from the crime ridden cities where violence has gotten out of control. Or did you forget that guns are also used for self defense on a regular basis?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=339925&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1603047

Cosmas Aroh what??
A majority of the mass shooting that has taken place in the last 10 years has been done by people expressing far right views. The Charleston shooter, the Las Vegas shooter, The El Paso shooter, The Pittsburgh synagogue shooter all right wingers. Not to mention a majority of the Republican states have the highest gun death rates for every demographic including children when compared to their democratic run states. For every child killed in the state of New York two children are killed in the state of South Carolina and New York has 15 million more people.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=339925&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1603042

Jared Dee You think criminals will stop buying guns privately if a universal background check is required? Lol!! Yeah no, universal background checks only work for honest, law-abiding citizens who follow the rules. It’s already illegal for someone in another state to privately sell firearms to Illinois residents without going through a federally licensed dealer. A licensed Illinois retailer is required to complete the exchange in accordance with Illinois’ gun laws. Of course criminals couldn’t care less about the rules, 50% of the crime guns used in Chicago are still purchased in Illinois (universal background checks and strict permit requirements). Because of Chicago’s location, it’s only logical to understand why a lot of Chicago’s crime guns are being trafficked illegally from states bordering the Chicago metropolitan area (key word: illegally).

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=339925&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1603045

Artita Mafrick for more than 3200 years...since 1200 BCE the land of juda/Isreal has been the homeland of the Jewish people....

More than 700 years before the Romans made up the word Palestine in reference to the philistines in modern day sryia...

1100 years before the existence of Jesus

1800 years before that warmongering lil dik pedophile Muhammad invented the Muslim religion

2700 years before the Ottoman empire invaded...

And in that time the Jewish people have constantly been attacked and run off their lands....

By the Babylonians, Romans, during the crusades then by the ottoman empire...and each time the Jews have remained and fought their way back

As late as 1882 3/4 of the population there was Jewish....until the Islamic state again hunted killed and ran the Jews off their lands yet again..

And since their rightful return home in 1948.... Isreal has never been the aggressor in any of these conflicts.... literally every action taken by Israel since has been in direct response to an attack against them first....

And in the modern day ...the reality is.... short of a world wide nuclear Holocaust.....there is no version here where the land/country of Israel doesn't exist....

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=339925&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1603046