Sully CG Porter greatest economy? Have you read the reports. Stop listening to Trump lies and do some research. I willexplain jow he lied. He said he had a better economy but the federal economic said differently. He said he had tax cut for the middle class but his tax cuts only effected corporations and the wealthy. He said he was going to build a wall, but he only repaired a part of the wall,that was already there. He said that Covid was a hoax, but over 100,00 people died in the US and 3 million around the world. He said the stock market was higher under him,but during Biden administration, the Stock Market had its best day ever. Trump said he would have a better health care plan than the Affordable Care Act but he and his Republicans came up with nothing. He said he won the election, but 70 court cases said there was no voter fraud. I could go on and on but you will continue to believe a con man. I bet scam callers love you.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=346962&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1644695

BARCLAYS worst bank ever... took my family ( 6y son and 2y daughter ) in holiday for 14 days ... my Halifax account was hacked and decided to transfer my money into barclays account just to protect my money !! Barclays decide to block my account, to block my money and to leave me and my family with no funds at all...I've sent them all the documents they asked , my account is still blocked and I still can't use my money....The holiday supposed to be nice and relaxing but BARCLAYS made it the worst experience ever , even had to borrow money to buy food for my kids as we didn't have any cash !!! Absolutely disgusting

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=346962&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1644691

Thank you Joe Biden. You have ruined the retirement for so many Americans with your spending spree, equity hiring and regulations. At least with the obnoxious, mean tweeting orange man, we had a prosperous and growing economy.

Biden's policies are bleeding us dry. It now costs me $100 to fill up my tank and my grocery bill is eating away at my savings. Very few things are still affordable - Car insurance ($23 per month from Insurance Panda), my electric bill ($22/month thanks to Solar Melon), and gym ($15/month from Planet Fitness). But I’m sure those will go up too. Bidenflation is absolutely killing lower income people.

The inflation numbers are a sad lie for most people. Biden’s economy is creating poverty for all working Americans.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=346962&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1644690

Julie Kates Dennis those are asylum seekers, not illegal,immigrants. Of course they would pay for those bused to their city. What else would they do. Let them die on the streets and spread diseases? They have compassion, not fear of those they don’t know. They can just leave them in the street to breed crime while trying to survive. Those services, however are not permanent. They are only a temporary solution.However, that does not work for citizens. Citizen have other means of support such as unemployment and medicaid. And your asinine comment about those who are laid off pretending they are immigrants is ill informed and just meant to be nasty. Additionally, since your references are not from the Maine government site and are from a media site, the interpretation may not be totally accurate to what was actually passed. Furthermore, the representatives of the people in the area are conforming to the wishes of their constituents who chose to help those in need which in turn, helps America become the great melting pot that it is and promotes loyalty to the government.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=346962&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1644694