Renters should take into account every time they vote for new city and state tax measures it falls on the owner of the home, raising their taxes and in turn the rents get raised to pay the taxes as well.
The entire housing market is out of control and every new tax imposed and every insurance rate hike imposed makes it even harder to keep rents low.
We don’t even need to talk about maintenance and repair costs as we all know how expensive that is too.
The only ones able to be landlords will be big corporations who have millions to fall back on. Mom and pop landlords will be a thing of the past due to the costs and the ever changing laws that do not protect them from really bad tenants.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=346963&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1644697

This article is a little misleading; it compares mortgage rates to rental rates ("shelter index") and implies that the two should be in sync. It doesn't capture other expenses held by the homeowner. Homeowner's insurance, for example, has increased year over year, which makes sense since insurance covers rebuilding costs and factors in costs of natural disasters - both variables of which have increased tremendously. Second, property values have gone up as respective real estate markets heat up and housing supplies are small (in many, but not all markets). That means property tax assessments go up - more taxes. Lastly, operational costs - maintenance and servicing of those buildings - have also increased. Also not captured is the amount of evictions and defaults, people who don't pay their rent, damage property, then leave the landowner to bear the expense of repair. I don't have any stats on that factor, but we do know that was a factor just past COVID.
All of those costs are placed on landowner, who then has to pass on at least some of those costs to the renters.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=346963&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1644698

Intelligence:Secondo uomini dell'intelligence Occidentale,affermano che, i raid della scorsa notte "non impediranno" agli Houthi di compiere ulteriori attacchi nel Mar Rosso, "semmai il contrario". Probabilmente espanderanno i loro attacchi alle navi e alle basi statunitensi e britanniche nella penisola arabica. Gli Houthi ormai dispongono di missili, armi e tecnologia che gli consentono facilmente di raggiungere queste basi nel Golfo". Chi sbaglia chi pensa che la Cina sarebbe felice di vedere l'Occidente venire trascinato in un altro sanguinoso conflitto "In realtà anche loro hanno sofferto per l'interruzione delle rotte commerciali nel Mar Rosso". Allo stesso modo, Paesi arabi come l'Egitto hanno le mani legate dalla necessità di opporsi agli Houthi, denunciando allo stesso tempo le operazioni di Israele a Gaza".

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=346963&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1644696