Jose Briben Have you contacted your legislators to encourage them to address our school shooting crisis? Just talking here won't help. Point 'F' below pertains to the mental health aspect of your comment.

Let's find some things we agree on and save some lives. Here is a long list of well-researched school safety proposals. You can select the ones you agree with and contact your legislators to support them. I'll even include links to help you find your legislators' contact info.

No single solution will solve our school shooting crisis, so we need to address the problem from as many angles as we can.

a. Require that teachers have classroom doors completely closed and locked during class. No school shooter has ever completely breached a locked classroom door. (Sandy Hook Advisory Commission)

b. Require every adult who works in a school to have completed basic First Aid, CPR, and "Stop the Bleed" training. (Ntntl. Library of Medicine states that children can bleed out in 2-5 min. The U.S. Secret Service states that the average response time is 2-5 min. While first responders are rushing to the scene, a child could bleed out on a classroom floor. Point being, the nearest adult to that child is their best chance at survivor. All teachers should be required to have the 3 trainings mentioned above. Kids spend 7 hours a day and over 170 days a year at school and should be surrounded by people who have been trained to save their life if they have a serious injury.)

c. Require that every classroom has wound packing materials and at least one tourniquet for if they’re trapped in a room with an injured victim. (This requires funding and is connected to point 'B'.)

d. Require schools to conduct an annual safety and vulnerability assessment.

e. Require 'See Something, Say Something' programs in schools that teach kids to identify warning signs that someone may harm themselves or others and how to report them.

f. Make mental health services free and easily available

g. Increase school security (ex. reinforced doors, well-trained armed guards)
What we've been trying hasn't worked well, so doing nothing will only result in more school tragedies. We don't have to agree on everything, and I don't need to hear about which points you disagree with now.

Decide which aspects of the multi-faceted plan you agree with, then use the links provided to find contact info for your legislators. Share with them the parts of the plan you agree with and encourage them to write and pass life-saving legislation as soon as possible.

You have the opportunity to push for life-saving changes to be made. It's our responsibility to protect our nation's youth, and we have to make progress NOW. Inaction makes us no better than the 370+ officers in Uvalde who stood around doing nothing for 70+ minutes.



Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=347695&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1648317

Snehaah Kapoor you would be smart to check for facts before speaking. The gun deaths during his term were at epidemic rate and since he did nothing they continued to get worse.
2-4-20. Just 3 years of trump…
at least 100,000 Americans have been killed by guns since President Trump took office––and twice that many have been wounded––in mass shootings, incidents of daily gun violence, unintentional gun violence, and gun suicide. And yet, Trump has consistently stood in the way of gun safety legislation.

During Trump’s first year in office, 58 people were killed at a concert in Las Vegas and 25 people, including a pregnant woman, were killed at a church in Texas. During Trump’s second year, 17 people were killed at a school in Parkland Shooting and 12 were killed at a country-western bar in California. And during one weekend in Trump’s third year, 22 people were killed at a Walmart in El Paso and 9 were killed at a bar in Dayton.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=347695&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1648310

Mike Dagaza I totally agree that people with certain mental illnesses should not be able to buy a gun. And people with hostile conditions the Dr.s should be able to report to authorities and put on a ban list. Screw Hippo.
Many employers cannot request request a mentality test for potential employees. Thanks to Americans with disability Act.
Unfortunately anybody can have a snapping point.
There was a D.A. a few years back, Palm Springs area I believe, that went home one day and shot his wife and 5 kids.
Such a stigma to mental health that people don't want to seek help. Sad.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=347695&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1648315