Spencer Solow
My friend... Ext؟remist Zio؟nist ga؟ngs committed thousands of crimes against hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from 1937 to 2003, that is, before the emergence of Ha؟mas in the first place!!!
Ha؟mas is an inevitable result of occupation, settlement, and injustice.... If Ha؟mas disappears, movements will emerge to resist those Zio؟nist ga؟ngs again...
Question: Can you tell me what the Palestinian people have benefited through peaceful means from 1937 until now!?
The answer is: they didn't benefit from it, and you will not recover a single inch, because the Zio؟nist ga؟ngs only know the language of weapons and war... exactly as Egypt regained Sinai from them in 1973.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=348953&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1654685

Johnny Merren they are monsters my friend, and this carnage against thousands of civilians and children has allowed the whole world to know Israel and its truth, I am a doctor without borders, I have a friend who is a Palestinian doctor who was forced to amputate his son's limbs without anesthesia but he died, they kidnapped many children and they removed the organs then they threw the bodies, they buried sick people alive, they cut off the electricity on incubators for newborns, they demolished thousands of houses without warning the inhabitants, they cut off the water, they attacked the rufigié camps, they demolished the majority of hospitals, they committed thousands of sins and crimes and if Israel is still alive it is because there is a Zionist lobby which controls American political, media and financial life,,

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=348953&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1654690

Phyllis Vaughan Leathers
My friend... I am a Muslim... an Arab... I am a resident of the Middle East... I am a resident of the Arabs...
I am an Egyptian young man.... Did you know that Israel occupied Sinai, claiming that it was a sacred land for them according to an ancient book called the Torah, and they did not leave it until the Egyptian army defeated them on October 7, 1973... and they concluded a peace treaty... These extre؟mist ga؟ngs do not respect... Except the strong...they only know war, weapons and power...just imagine yourself in the place of those Palestinian children who lost their relatives and families...what will your future be like...please don't tell me that you will carry olive branches and fly like doves of peace!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=348953&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1654686