The apologists have absolutely nothing to do with slavery . That was an issue that ended almost 160 years ago . While it was the norm for much of society then , thankfully our country has matured and outgrew such atrocious practices.
Here we are today with people standing on soapboxes "apologizing" to the descendants of people who lived and died in bondage . Most probably , to seek the admiration of , or power over those very people .
Nothing like using people long gone to further ones agenda . I wonder what Malcolm X would have to say .......

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=351750&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1669120

Debra Lawson Don’t tell me what was or was not perpetrated against me or anyone I know of ..you don’t have a clue”. I bet a pretty penny that you were never a slave, Debra.
Do you have a detailed plan for reparations? Some questions for you:
Do the descendants of black Africans that sold their fellow man into slavery owe African Americans reparations?
What if you are only a percentage black (mixed)? If my great grandmother was black do I get money?
Is it based on a sliding scale of how much you are worth? Does Oprah get money?
What if the black person immigrated to the US recently?
When would it end? Onetime payment to those alive today? Payments to generations to come?
If our government is to pay this it would mean that taxes from everyone is used, right? How is that worked out?
If you are white and your ancestor died fighting against slavery in the civil war, do you get money?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=351750&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1669124

Debra Lawson Nope. Never. You and the rest of the race hustlers and scammers get NOTHING! . Zero zilch. It's every American citizen's "business" to ensure we never pay this extortion racket to fake "victims" and scam artists. It's my money and my family's money that funds "the federal government." Not the more than 50% of people in this country who pay zero. . So you "back up" because WE will decide how the government spends MY money. Because if it spends it paying blood debts to non-victims who were never slaves in the first place, it will come after more of my hard earned dollars for things we actually need. So save it sister! Degenerate Marxist filth and other reprobates are entitled to nothing but mocking laughter every time you mention reparations. You don't know squat or understand basic math. .

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=351750&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1669128

Debra Lawson. Wrong. The "crime" (if you insist on mislabeling a legal status from 200 plus years ago) occurred when Africans and Arabs captured and sold slaves to the traders. It happened on African soil. Slaves lost their freedom in Africa not America. So you folks are absolutely wrong. Second, the wrong, was not perpetuated against YOU or anyone else alive. Nobody responsible for slavery is living anymore and died at least 100-150 years ago. So it's over. You were never a slave. You're a victim of nothing but your own mediocrity. You're entitled to nothing. Nobody owes you a penny! . Want more money? Get a J. O. B.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=351750&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1669121

Shaz Max You do realize that without Yale, Harvard, and most Ivy League universities investing in the Trans Atlantic slave trade, there would be no top tier universities in America? So when you think that the wealth built in trafficking humans for profit, what white people pretend are places where their greatest minds came from, with profits from selling humans, Yale would not exist.

Part of that white heritage cash stream that white people don’t admit to. Like selling opium. Yale profits also came from the Opium Wars as well. Killed millions of Chinese people in the process.

I know, you’ll blame Britain. Pass the blame off of them.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=351750&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1669127

Nikki Topps Just because someone wants to buy something doesn’t mean someone has to go out and capture and sell their fellow countrymen. You do know that African slavery predates the European slave trade, right? And Britain made Africa stop the slave trade. Africa did not do it willingly.
When someone is not willing to acknowledge that the buyers and sellers are both just as guilty I see someone determined to play victim.
Article by a black South African. Note the part where he says African slavery originated from war and the Africans sold their captives.
Also from the article: “Most Africans also used slaves to gain more wealth.”

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=351750&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1669123

Debra Lawson The heck I don't gurly! . Your antisemitism is both telling and disgusting. However, I'm curious as to what are these "Reparations to Jews" ? What in the world are you even talking about? Again...you were never a slave. Anybody arguably owed anything died over 100 years ago. Everyone responsible is likewise dead for over 100 years. As you admit, people who came here just 1 or 2 generations ago have nothing to do with any of this....yet you feel entitled to take our money to pay for it? How morally bankrupt of you. Plus This fantasy of reparations for the descendants of former slaves is never going to happen. Only DEI smooth brains and manipulative politicians sell these ideas to morons to buy votes. You're being used. You'll never see a cent.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=351750&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1669129

John Harris
It won’t be up then to give reparations or anything .

well obama and Bernie signed a bill in 2015 for Jews to receive reparations, funny they didnt tell the Jews no (and america didnt even cause the holocaust).and considering we send billions to Israel yearly as well as spend 600 billion on military equipment that never moves. please feel free to look it up.
Btw Holocaust checks still go out to the children and grandchildren of the victims. over 70 years plus the State of Israel gets billions in aid every year to pay for free health, senior services and free college tuition.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=351750&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1669130

Pete Bee
I’m not disagreeing that any of that happened on African soil, but what I am saying is that none of that happened on American soil .
Back up .. Don’t tell me what was or was not perpetrated against me or anyone I know of ..you don’t have a clue … and as far as being a victim of nothing but my own mediocre, and entitled to nothing guess what … First of all this has nothing to do with you or your family. This is business of Freedmen descendants and the Federal Government. And you being 1st or 2nd gen or whatever gen here makes you not even qualified to even speak on ., so nobody go have a seat …. go have several seats … it ain’t about a job you moron

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=351750&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1669122

The accurate Black history is African Kings rounded up their own people, put them in cages on the beach and sold them to slavers. We wouldn’t have slaves if it weren’t for those African kings. Vice President Harris’s ancestors had slaves. All living presidents ancestors had slaves except for one, TRUMP. The liberals will hate that truth. All countries had slaves, even Africa and the Middle East. You don’t see many blacks in the Middle East because the male slaves were castrated. American Indians had other Indians as slaves. As horrible as slavery was, if there was no slavery the descendants of slaves would still be in Africa. Black ancestors suffered a horrible fate for a better life for their descendants. China has slaves now, Muslim Uyghurs yet the liberals in the United States and the rest of the world still does business with China. Liberals hate the truth because it doesn’t fit their narrative. They rather keep this country divided.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=351750&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1669125