Cassandra Ariadne would a good Christian lady say those things? No, they wouldn’t. I have no problem getting dick. Grow up & spell it out instead of acting like some preteen girl embarrassed to say DICK. I have nothing to fear, except for religious zealots that think everyone should live as they command. Didn’t your god give us all free will? Isn’t he the one to judge? Why are you judging? Do you think you know better than your god? He COMMANDED you to not judge, but here you are judging & acting like you know better than your own god. Shame shame shame. Better throw extra $$ in that collection tray at church this morning. While you’re at it, go ask your minister if your god tells you to judge others. BTW, most of this nation believes in the right to chose. My state overwhelmingly voted to keep it legal. Why do you hate democracy? If you don’t believe that voters have the right to decide what’s best for us, then you should leave this country & move to a religious dictatorship. Iran would be a good fit (might want to dress a little more modest when you move). I’m from a founding family of this nation & I will always fight zealots like you that want to take away freedom. You say you’re college educated, but history & civics obviously weren’t required courses for your degree.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=355193&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1690528

Cassandra Ariadne well, insults are deserved for conservatives in MO. One of the few places people brag about being hillbillies.

You didn’t answer about what Jesus would think of your lies. I sure hope your butt is sitting in a pew this morning begging for forgiveness. Does Jesus weep when his flock lies? You definitely aren’t following in his footsteps. But, preaching His word while sinning & living a life of sun is what you so called fake Christians love to do. Does your minister use snakes & speak in tongues all while marrying off 15 year olds? I know a lot of that exists in those hilly regions you people think are so awesome (those areas are also filled with Klan members). The only positive thing MO has going for it is legal weed. That’s the only way they can keep people from moving away, keep them stoned.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=355193&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1690524

Kristine Matlock this all coming from someone who thinks it’s okay to murder unborn children. Take the plank out lady. Your lukewarm spirit is showing. And what did I lie about? The part where this woman was laughing and smiling as Mahomes kissed her or the part where she refused to cooperate with authorities? Like all liberals, you’re delusional. I can’t wait until November. Also, reading and listening comprehension is a great thing. Per usual, the liberal media took Moon’s comments out of context and like the sheep you are, you just follow along without having an original thought in your own mind. And guess what, we all fall short of God’s glory. I’ve never claimed to be perfect but I am forgiven. Can you say the same? I doubt it.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=355193&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1690525

Kristine Matlock except I grew up in the Lou and was a minority. It’s safe to say you don’t know shit about me so shut your mouth. I have no hate in my heart. You judge me based on me saying this broad lied because she did lie. You obviously have tons of hate and disdain for women who don’t agree with you. I’m an advocate for the homeless and have a nursing home ministry that helps elderly folks. What do you do to help others? I also am a volunteer counselor at a crisis pregnancy center that helps women of all races. Keep running your mouth though. You will be in for a rude awakening come your judgment day. Good luck with that. Don’t you have a march to get to so you can complain about not being able to murder children? Southern Missouri? Never been there but I hear they’re inbred which explains a lot about your intelligence level.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=355193&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1690527

Cassandra Ariadne I’m college educated (thank god not in MO). I was born & raised in the metro & lived here all but a few years (my family left southern MO after a couple years because the Klan threatened us because we had black friends that came to visit). Wonder why I have my opinions of your filthy state? I have a feeling you would agree with those Klan members than ran us off because we weren’t racist. I am not ignorant, I’m observant. It makes me sad that there are people like you with so much hate in your heart. If you would actually read your Bible, you’d know that Jesus only preached to love one another & to turn the other cheek, but you’re not a real Christian because you chose to hate & judge others. Your lord & savior tells you to not judge & to not hate. Better get heading to church to ask for forgiveness because you chose hate over gods love. Shame shame shame

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=355193&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1690526