We need to understand that when we speak of the "Biden Administration", we are talking about the Democrat elite that control Biden, and dictate his words and policies.
Otherwise, the Democrats will simply nominate some younger fresher face, and suddenly some percentage of voters will think they are voting for something different.
When you vote for any Democrat, you are voting for the
policies that are destroying your Nation, and your Children's future.
That will not change if they offer some other image to
disguise their plans to destroy your Rights, your Borders
and the Constitution that has served the Nation so well
for so long. We already knew but this tells us everything about the demoncrap party. These filthy bas tar ds are all about anything that will speed the destruction of America. The D€mocrats are just hypocriticsl p!eces of human excr€ment. This is a sick, sick bunch that has unfortunately grasped the reins of this country and is driving it off a Clif.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=355356&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1691280

Justice is the salt of the Earth

Justice preserves Life and Prosperity
Truth, Love and Justice for All

Learn the hell of war no more
Bind Governments From Injustice

Love thy neighbor as thyself

And History has shown even the best of us can be deceived, like electing Hitler or like the religious hypocrites who voted for a murderer instead of Jesus and support the beast in Revelations, so the 14th Amendment bans traitors of Democracy from Office

Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit of consent of the governed is the unforgivable sin, because Democracy is based on the principle of forgiveness so we can adapt to change with reason instead of violence

Consent of the GOVERNED is a Holy Spirit
The Thin Blue Line of Justice For All

Jesus is known as the Great Physician
And said Greater Miracles than these shall you do if you Have Faith In Truth, Love and Justice for All

Healthcare Is Pro-Life
Healthcare Is Economic Justice
Healthcare Is National Security

So Give Democrats
A Two-Thirds Majority

The Abomination of Desolation

Justice Requires Justice For All

Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself

Or Autocracy

To Be
Or Not To Be

The Rainbow of Humanity
with Liberty and Justice
For All

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=355356&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1691294

Nicole Lee Journalism. HOW BIDEN DECEIVES ALL OF US. While speaking about the mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas, and other gun violence, Biden said, “Meanwhile, my predecessor told the NRA he’s proud he did nothing on guns when he was president. After another school shooting in Iowa recently, he said — when asked what to do about it — he said, ‘Just get over it.’”
But Biden omitted much of what Trump said after the Jan. 4 shooting at Perry High School in Iowa, where a 17-year-old student killed a sixth-grader and injured four other students and the principal.
The following day, at a campaign rally in Sioux Center, Iowa, Trump offered his “support and deepest sympathies” to the victims of the school shooting. “We’re really with you as much as anybody can be. It’s a very terrible thing that happened. It’s just terrible to see that happening,” Trump said. “That’s just horrible. It’s so surprising to see it here.”
He added, “But we have to get over it. We have to move forward. But to the relatives, and to all of the people who are devastated right now, to the point they can’t breathe, they can’t live, we are with you all the way.”

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=355356&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1691291