China AMan why'd you stop talking? You want to get into this let's get into this LOL you think that Russia is so strong LOL let's get into fighter jets we have 13,300 and Russia only has 4,182. Would you like to talk about how much we've spent compared to Russia? United States spent 877 billion in 2022. Now Russia only spent 81.7 billion and that was actually an increase. You would think that he would be spending more. But we're far more advanced than others. So please, don't sit here and tell me that he could do all these things when you know that is a lie LOL you can go look all of this information up and you can go look at our Arsenal. You can actually go find out what we have compared to other countries. You'll go see how prepared we are. That's why he won't do anything. Now try to have a good night and try to sleep well. I know I will.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=357455&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1703456

Gibson K. Dinda what do you call the Darfur genocide where the systematic killing of ethnic Darfuri people which has occurred during the War in Darfur and the ongoing War in Sudan (2023–present) in Darfur. It has become known as the first genocide of the 21st century.

Conflicts are currently taking place throughoutNorth African countries of: Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Syria, and Western Sahara.

The majority are non-international (NIACs), involving a multitude of armed non-state actors and foreign interventions by Western powers, Russia, and neighbouring countries – except for the NIACs taking place in Egypt.

‘Syria is the most affected country in the region. Several multiple and overlapping NIACs are taking place in the country – involving numerous armed groups who fight against the government and against each other –, along with two military occupations and three international armed conflicts’ as explained by Dr Chiara Redealli.

Either you are ignorant or a troll.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=357455&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1703454

Scott Long , that's a nice mental disorder you have there.
Did you get it from Mommy or Daddy? Nobody cares what a commie libtard thinks, k?
I'm not supposed to think like you. Your people are mentally ill. That's why you cut your genitals off, pretend to be women, cry over toy potato genders and cry about everything under the sun.
Racist, pedophile communist with mental disorders is how we view your side.
No matter what you think of us it is nothing compared to how sick and disgusting we know you people are.
Seek help for your mental illness

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=357455&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1703462

Joe Biden: "Poland has the right to protect itself. Just don't attack places where the Russian army is hidden, don't attack Russian infrastructure used for war effort, provide humanitarian aid to Russians, don't cause significant damage, don't act against Russian soldiers disguised as civilians, don't use aircraft, use as little soldiers as possible, let the Russians know anytime before you attack so they will have enough time to evacuate, don't use marine forces, replace your elected government, act only against individual targets, don't kill too many Russian militants, don't act against military sites under the guise of a civilian infrastructure, medical infrastructure or UN facility and you're good to go. Otherwise we'll have to stop you but besides that you surely have the right to protect yourself".

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=357455&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1703452

John Banda i mean under Trump we almost got into a war in Iran, we increased troop presence in Afghanistan, we saw increased drone warfare, he refused to stop weapons shipments that escalated the UAE/Yem conflict, he attacked agreements like the Iran nuclear deal, shredded the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, withdrew from the Open Skies Treaty that ensured transparency between the U.S., much of Europe, and Russia, and failed to extend the critical New START Treaty with Russia. He took an inconsistent, self-serving, and often antagonistic approach to negotiations with North Korea that nearly took us to nuclear war. Oh, and he wanted to nuke hurricanes.

And then on the home front he poured gasoline on protests caused by islamophobia and social justice.

But sure, put your head in the sand and ignore all that like the sheep that you are.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=357455&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1703458

From RT's editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan

"We already know the names of the perpetrators. We have seen their faces and know what they are saying during interrogations.

And immediately it becomes clear why yesterday American media were shouting in unison that it was ISIS.

Because it's not ISIS. The perpetrators are simply chosen to convince the gullible global public that it is ISIS.

It's a simple sleight of hand. The level of a street corner shell game.

So here's the thing. It's not ISIS at all. It's Ukrainians. And the fact that even before the arrests, before the perpetrators' faces and names were known, Western intelligence agencies began to persuade the population that it was ISIS—that's what ignited the fire under this thief's hat.
It's not ISIS.

It's a well-coordinated team from several other, also widely known, abbreviations."

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=357455&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1703460

Candice Ag Western world my foot, there's none I can see. Earth belongs to all humans. You're the one obsessed with Africa, I love my beautiful and natural continent.
You owned no country anywhere, l lived on the land of my ancestors, unlike you who came from Europe meet peaceful people and decided to kill, rob them, and steal their resources and later sadly think that their land belong to you...... Sad for you European American

I love my homeland and care less about going to your gay and robbery land.
I know the true beauty and value of my land, that's why we'll never leave our land to go and rob others.

You lived and survived on the blood of others!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=357455&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1703466