What is the declared warning from Egypt in the event of an Israeli invasion of southern Gaza, namely the suspension of the peace agreement signed between the two parties? This is considered a violation of the peace agreement on the part of Israel. What events will result from the suspension of the peace agreement? I think Egypt will withdraw its recognition of Israel. This will be followed by the withdrawal of Arab and African recognition of Israel, and this is the opposite of what Biden and Netanyahu dream of. We must wait and see the consequences of the American-Israeli plot

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=357696&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1704641

When you say "Reproductive rights" do you mean what that suggests- To allow the baby to live ? The baby is a human being who should have rights to a life. A baby is a gift from God. If you mean killing the baby, stabbing it in the womb and cutting off the babies legs, arms etc. that Democrat politicians call abortion. Just say that, don't mis-lead and lie to people. I'm all for Women Rights, it's why I'm against the Jihad/Marxist Commie movement happening., but I'm also for babies rights who are a separate person from those women. Babies are innocent, adorable little human beings! Jihadi don't even allow pets under Sharia law, aren't most liberal single women animal lovers? Most I come across have cats galore. When the far left Marxists destroyed and took over Venezuela people were starving and had to eat their pets? Is that what's coming to America if we allow these Commie control freaks to destroy Capitalism? No wonder most in Venezuela want to flee Venezuela, 0bama's friends took it over.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=357696&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1704647

Vince Moren it's OK. I know the fact that Republicans haven't won elections in 2022, 2023 and 2024 and Trump hasn't won an election since 2016 ( yes I know you would want to fantisise that mid terms are not an assessment of the presidency, of course it is moron) is something you are intentionally oblivious to.
I know you w"nk yourself over polls which in every instance have in the past favored Trump and thar you don't have a clue what polls signify.
In other words we know you're a Trump zombie. What'll it be. Rigged again as in 2020. Or just silence as in 2018, 2022, you utter moron?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=357696&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1704649

The sad truth of socialism #Democrat is they require government to direct them how to feel,act,and react to any and all situations️ They even want to strip away your children’s identity of gender at birth️ They want to put male gender kids in the same bathroom as female kids ️
Yes, Republicans know there is a difference ️They want to take away your gas, stoves,️ They want to force you to drive electric cars while at the same time destroying our economy with high gas prices️ Yes, this is wokeism#Marxism️
THE Biased media instructs them when to march in the streets,when to shout into the air and when to attack people who disagree ️ Socialism/communism/Marxism is just another form of slavery️#GovernmentSlave️
As a republican I can take care of myself ️ I am not dependent or codependent on government️I can actually think for myself️
Republicans are not moochers,we work and provide for our families ️We are not like our government owned zombie friends that have to depend on government or gangster #AntifaOrBLM gangs to make a living to survive
Here is a novel idea, teachers ,teach the children how to make a living in life and quit teaching them that the government will take care of them️#GovernmentSlaves

Republicans = We The People
Democrats = We The Government#Socialist ️
Media = We the Propagandist




Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=357696&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1704646

Ep Thomas

Check out this guy's fb. He's obsessed with dems evil duh! red perfect. So what do you expect on this issue?

What do you see when you look in the mirror? A woman? A man with a uterus? What an arrogant man who could never in a hundred years understand this.

Pro life = pro life
Pro choice = pro life +'pro choice.

Never met an anti man who understood the stats.
96% of abortions take place in the first 6 weeks.
3% take place in the first 12 weeks..
1% take place in the last trimester

But that means nothing to you except the selfish male interpretation. And you won't learn.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=357696&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1704645