Paula Schirtz actually, you proved my point...what you posted is a USA Today opinion piece, not facts...there are 50 articles that will rebut the 50 articles you mention...that is how Google works...I don't care who doesn't agree with me, but it is obvious the Democratic party twists the 1st Amendment to foster their agenda of trying to prevent Trump to run for President...I wish we had two other candidates too, but we don't ..the country, and the world for that matter, was in much better shape under Trump versus Biden...I could care less how many abortions women get...it is a state issue, as it should be...the people of each state can determine "abortion rights" ...besides, abortion is no where near at the top of important issues facing the country...but I agree, the abortion issue should not be a Federal issue...one question for you, can you name one Trump administration policy that negatively affected your life? Now, do the same for Biden...take care...

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=358539&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1709550

Alex Brown .. no, the democrats in congress thwarted the wall, and have allowed over 10,000,000 "undocumented" aliens to illegally enter the US, with no background check or formalized procedure for entry required... Potential murderers, like the "illegal" who killed Laken... bashed her head in with a hammer... beaten to a point that she was unrecognizable... by one of Biden's "illegal alien" entries.

No, republicans did not control both houses for all of his presidency... in fact, the Dems controlled both houses, at the beginning of Biden's presidency, yet he took no measure to pass a law to control the borders.

And please do not confuse me with a republican... I have no party affiliation...

"Even with a narrow margin in the Senate and a diminished number of seats in the House, control of both chambers does clear a path for Biden to pass legislation, according to Casey Burgat, the director of the legislative affairs program at the George Washington School of Political Management." Jan 2021

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=358539&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1709552

Jeff Swartz you are so wrong. Uneducated is usually the insult when there is no defense. Partisan voter, wrong again. There just wasn’t an option when I registered for Independent.
No proof? How’s this:

And about 50 other articles from Constitutional Lawyers and Civil Liberty Organizations. You should know how to use Google.
So before you start calling on all of us who just don’t agree with you, maybe educate yourself.
You see, I will go down fighting when it comes to my daughter’s and granddaughter’s rights being trampled on. In fact, why don’t you call for every male of child bearing age, because it does take two, to have vasectomies? They are less invasive, more likely to be be reversed and less expensive.
What’s good one should be good for all, correct?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=358539&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1709547