Corporate Funding and the Dissemination of Climate Misinformation
The overwhelming scientific consensus affirms human activity as the primary driver of climate change. However, some corporations, particularly within the fossil fuel industry, have funded campaigns that contradict this established science. This lesson explores the methods used, the motivations behind them, and the potential consequences for both corporations and society.

Methods of Misinformation Dissemination

Funding Think Tanks and Advocacy Groups: Organizations with a history of climate skepticism receive financial backing to produce research papers, host conferences, and lobby policymakers.
Astroturfing: The creation of fake grassroots movements that appear to represent public opinion against climate action but are, in fact, funded by corporate interests.
Media Manipulation: Funding biased media outlets or placing advertisements that downplay the severity of climate change or cast doubt on scientific evidence.
Motivations for Funding Misinformation

Protecting Short-Term Profits: Fossil fuel companies may view climate action as a threat to their economic interests, leading them to prioritize short-term profits over long-term environmental sustainability.
Shifting Public Perception: By creating confusion about climate science, corporations may hope to weaken public support for climate regulations that could restrict their operations.
The Risks of Misinformation Campaigns

Erosion of Public Trust: Repeated exposure to misinformation can erode public trust in science and regulatory institutions.
Delayed Climate Action: Public confusion hinders effective policy responses, leading to a delay in mitigating climate change impacts.
Reputational Damage: Consumers are increasingly environmentally conscious, and companies funding climate denial may face boycotts and negative publicity.
A Shift Towards Sustainability

Leading companies recognize the urgency of climate change and the importance of sustainability. They are investing in clean technologies, adopting responsible environmental practices, and promoting transparency in their operations. These efforts not only benefit the environment but also enhance brand reputation and ensure compliance with evolving regulations.


Funding climate denial campaigns is a shortsighted strategy that undermines public trust and exposes companies to reputational risks. The future belongs to businesses that embrace sustainability and prioritize the well-being of the planet alongside their economic success.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=359400&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1714670

Percy Jessica ️Announcing the Continuation of Saqar’s (Nibiru's) Summer as a Warning to Mankind

A Statement By Allaah's caliph on the whole world #imam_mahdi #nasser_mohammed_al-yamani
the statement's title:
Announcing the Continuation of Saqar’s (Nibiru's) Summer as a Warning to Mankind

26—Safar—1445 AH
11—September—2023 AD
06:55 AM

(According to the official time of Mecca, Mother of Towns)
full statement on the official channel (youtube) :

full statement on the website of Imam Mahdi:

You can visit the Facebook page on this link:

To the president of united state joe #biden #kevinmccarthy #romney
The white house
Judicial watch
Abc news

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=359400&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1714671

DESSECADORES DE ETs E MITOS! Depois desses citados, passarem pelos nossos "laboratórios"... CNJ - PGR, âmbito nacional, estadual e municipal... são dessecados pelos nossos profissionais da JUSTIÇA ( STF-TSE-STJ ). Agentes dessecantes: Constituição e Código Civil. Não importa se o ET é de PRETÓRIA ou outra parte do planeta... inclusive Brasil. Menos ainda se os MITOS são GLICERENSES e/ou outrem... criados dentro de BÍBLIAS dos -Adoradores de BEZERRO de OURO. Anotem: "Se os senhores (as) continuarem nesse tom (mentiras) com o -POVO de BEM, os senhores (as) irão ter grandes problemas". Em ritmo dessecante o GOVERNO Federal, através do ITAMARATY... necessita "baixar à bola" de embaixadores estrangeiros, metidos à entendedores de Brasil. Inclusive, sancionar medidas contra IDIOTAS que preside outros países, mostrando-lhes que, no Brasil além do PROGRESSO, exigimos ORDEM... e, têm que ser respeitado por quem quer que seja./// BRASIL, não pode voltar à dormir!!!!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=359400&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1714669