Maybe it’s time Iran find its Persian roots and let go of its hate towards Israel. I am amazed at where we are in history right now. Think about it. For the first time in a long time, all of Europe is united. How many hundreds of years has it been since that occurred? We’re looking at the beginning of the end of communism. The whole world is going to turn against extremist. The Messiah is not going to like anger, hate, greed, and jealousy.

There’s a big problem with all countries getting along and sharing resources. The whole planet is coming together. There’s going to be conflict and struggle. Everyone wants the country to be built up to be the best. Time for a war what’s out in space is far more dangerous. People need to stop playing God or acting out what they think God wants for all people that’s kind of reckless thinking actually. You had to have a good heart and love thy neighbor.

The Chinese and the Russians, and even the North Koreans are not the problem. They’re good people. It’s just bad leadership. Everyone deserves to live a good life to raise their family well no matter where you live in the world. ️️

The land of modern-day Iran, historically known as Persia, boasts a rich biblical heritage. Here are some key points:
Persian Empire as God's Instrument: The Bible portrays Persia (through figures like Cyrus the Great) as playing a crucial role in God's plans. For instance, Cyrus facilitated the return of exiled Jews to Jerusalem after their Babylonian captivity ([Isaiah 45:1]).

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=360229&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1719293

James Hertins I feel that these types of nihilistic actions in humans do not happen without good reason. They are our species. They are no different from you and me. We need to understand what it would take to drive us to seemingly insane behavior. The more I read about the cruelty of the Zionist movement over the last 125 years, where Israel can do anything it likes to a people who have lived in this area for every bit of the same 4000-8000 years that the Jews have, with full backing of first the UK, then the US and Germany, the more I see the hopelessness that drove them to violent and seemingly crazy actions. I believe you could start to be open to the other side of the story.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=360229&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1719312

Some history for you guys: Before 1917, the area was under Ottoman occupation and colonial rule, and was therefore considered Ottoman sovereign territory. The part of today's Israel and West Bank and parts of today's Jordan were known to everyone as Israel and Judea & Samaria. From 1917-1947 it was called the British Mandate of Palestine (Eretz Israel) - parts of Syria, Jordan, Gaza, Israel, Judea and Samaria and southern Lebanon. Regarding the 60-year renaming of this area by the Romans around the year 66, when it was called Philistia (in reference to the Philistines, a seafaring people from the Greek culture who were settled in Gaza for a few centuries). from the Christian heritage "British Mandatory Palestine, and then in brackets the abbreviation in Hebrew "Eretz Israel". Therefore, the Arabs in this region resisted this name and only the Jews and other minorities accepted this name for this time, the British occupation.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=360229&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1719285

So why hasn’t Israel seized the golden opportunity to attack Iran’s nuclear sites?
I guess that in a different world with a friendlier US administration and without a war in Gaza and Lebanon, that would be a very good question!

At the moment Israel must focus on defeating Hamas, bringing back the hostages, and restoring northern Israel by destroying Hezbollah’s military presence close to the border and bringing back the nearly 100K Israelis that left their homes the first week of the war.
One thing at a time! However, it’s time to step up the game and hurt Iran’s proxies in Iraq and Syria in a much harsher way. At the moment Iran is paralyzed from fear following Israel’s limited yet smart attack on the IRGC base near Isfahan where a stealth missile made a precise hit in the area of the nuclear site. The message to Iran: “This is just a taste of our capabilities."

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=360229&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1719299

Israelis have been under ferocious rocket fire ever since October 7th. For some reason nobody seems to know this or if they do they don't care! Fifty rockets into the Galilee last week! Thousands of people have left their homes near both north and southern borders six months ago and can’t go home.

And of course - H.amas fight from within apartment buildings, hospitals and schools - over five hundred armed militants were caught at the Al Shifa hospital for instance.

H.amas is still holding 134 Israelis, dead or alive in their terror tunnels. Would any country prioritize the terrorists who committed the atrocities over retrieving hostages?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=360229&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1719303

How about the whole world stops being brainwashed by idiot politicians around the world & stop all wars? Oh wait, that's too hard for the world to understand, right? You're all too busy killing each other. For what exactly? Because your leaders tell you? Then your leaders are failures. The entire UN is one giant failure. Everyone's God is a failure! You know why? What GOD in their right mind would want endless people dying? Innocent Men Women & Children dying. DO YOU REALLY ENJOY THAT? BECAUSE IF YOU DO, YOU ARE F****ED IN THE HEADS! MAY GOD HAVE MERCY ON ALL OF YOUR SOULS, BECAUSE I'M NOT PRAYING FOR ANYONE. IT'S COMPLETELY POINTLESS. YOU ALL CHOSE DEATH & DESTRUCTION. That does not deserve prayers.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=360229&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1719297

President Biden, since it was erroneously referred to in your state of the union speech thought you'd want to know this:
"Fact: MORE than 11,000 of the reported fatalities issued by the Gaza news agency, which is a shill for Hamas, have been retracted and admitted to by Hamas to the British authorities as inaccurate, which means they lied. That is 1/3 of the total they have been reporting to the mainstream media, so hopefully mainstream media you're paying attention to this. That leaves 22,000 reportedly dead.
Since Israel has killed 13,000 terrorist combatants, that means there are more terrorists combatants than innocent civilians who have been killed in this war and that is UNPRECEDENTED in the history of wartime.
Also, they do not differentiate between those who have died of natural causes and died from military attacks during this entire time- yes, really, and they ADMIT that.
Last but not least, they do not differentiate between how many women and teenage children are holding weapons and engaged in combat at the time they are killed.
Go ahead, try to refute those facts - you won't be able to, because you cannot, because they are FACTS."

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=360229&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1719302

We should keep track of Israel and Ukraine's successes, now that they have been infused with so much of our taxpayers dollars. The US has also supplied 31 expensive M1 Abrams battle tanks to Ukraine, and at least FIVE of them have been destroyed and three others "moderately damaged" by low-cost Russian drones. The M1 Abrams is described as "one of the most powerful symbols of American military might," but you could have fooled Russia, who are taking out the tanks with exploding drones with an accuracy that exceeds 90%. These $500 drones are killing $10 million Abrams tanks, and there's no easy way to defend a tank against a drone attack. What's next?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=360229&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1719313

Bi Bicha
Pure rubbish. Hamas started this war, not Israel. Hamas was interested in this chaos. Hamas willing to sacrifice its ppl on the name of their sick ideology.
If hamas surrenders and releases the hostages there is no need for Israel to continue this war.
And spare me your fake morals. You have no problem with a Palestinian jew free state where jews are banned but Israel that have 20% of its population Arabs that have equal rights, that's what bothers you.
In short Israel was always ready to share the land in order to have peace. It is your genocidal maniac jihadi friends that rejected all peace offers. So go fool somebody else with your nonsense

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=360229&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1719323

Wouldn’t be an issue here if Obama never started harvesting his Terrorist comrades like the planted seed Omar and its hating terrorist indoctrinated terrorist daughter ! Let’s not forget the breeding process in our schools that is now again using the BLMs model to extort America ! CNN is part of the culture that would rather continue attacking conservatives and are caged inside their own culture from having any thought process that’s not got un-American interests prominent! It drift to far from their own hatred agendas and antisemitic history ! Hell the can’t even be compassionate and use a simple two word phrase like “ pro life “ when going out of their way with insults and tear down the moderate view most of Americans have developed with wanting some abortion sanity !!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=360229&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1719300