I'm amazed at how many people and organizations believe that it's okay to have something just for black people, but those same people would flip if it were something for just for white people. If just changing the color of the individuals involved in the situation would have you screaming racism, then it's a racist policy. Can you imagine, for instance, a magazine writing an article of praise for a 100% white owned company? Or, in this case, a scholarship available only to white kids? You can't scream racism if the policy, or whatever it is, doesn't include YOU, and then also get upset because policies ONLY for you are also deemed racist. People throw around the phrase reverse racism. There's nothing reverse about it. Racism is racism. And any policy or whatever that excludes any other race is racist.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=360238&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1719441

If the scholarship was created to attract Black scholars and they are changing it, they should remove the name from it too. The family should sue to the school to remove the name and create their own foundation. No need in them trying to benefit from the name, image and likeness of a Black leader if their intentions is not to attract Black scholars. If other students feel left out, create your own scholarship with a leaders name that attended Duke who is Irish, German, Latin, or whatever ethnic or religious group(s). It’s that simple.

However, if you look closely thru their website you’ll see that there are other scholarships for other ethnic or religious groups, but for some reason it’s just this specific group that is being isolated and changed. Do better Duke University.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=360238&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1719434

Sharon Johnson it makes sense when you listen to more than 5 second sound bytes from cnn I mean he can certainly be called an idiot but I’ve never seen or heard racist things from the orange man. If we’re bein real here, let’s compare the puddinghead and the orange man. The puddinghead has a known record of saying things that demonstrate he is a dyed in the wool racist. The orange man says things that demonstrate he’s against crime.

Only a racist takes a comment about “thugs” or about illegal aliens killing people and makes it about an entire race. For example, the black people of Chicago sure are mad about Johnson’s policies of caring for illegals before their own community. Are they racist against all illegal immigrants lol or are they mad about how their government is handling illegal immigrants?
Or when an old man in a predominantly black neighborhood complains about crime? Is he racist or is he mad that “no-bail” policies allow violent offenders to remain on the streets?

It makes sense when you think for yourself. Not for the party.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=360238&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1719451

Tracy Montgomery thought we were equal. Race shouldn't even be in the application. People were mad when a white guy had a white only scholarship then he pointed out all the p.o.c scholarships didn't matter because he was a white person. Affirmative action should be repealed its racist against whites and Asian people. How can you talk about racism and then be OK with being racist against whites and Asian. Reproductive rights where's the man's choice if It's your sole choice to have a baby then it should be the man's sole choice to not pay child support or force you to have the baby as it took both of you to have the child.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=360238&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1719453