2 تعليقات

حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل
تم نتمن بالمقاااااومة الشريفة ونقول لهم حفظكم الله من كل شر مكروه و نصركم على عدوكم وعدو الامة يا رجال الله الشرفاء ، فأنتم المجاهدون في سبيل الله حقا، مقاومتكم شرف كبير لكم وللامة ولأحرار العالم، فأنتم في المكان الصحيح لتحقيق نجاح لم يسبق له مثيل في العالم من أجل تحرير ارض غزة العزة بل كل ارض فلسطين من الاحتلال الغربي المجرم والارهابي الذي وضع شرذمة من الصهايييييينة من طرف غزو الاحتلال البريطانيي المجرم لارض فلسطين لإضعاف العرب والمسلمين بمساعدة الخونة الداعمين لهم، لكن هيهات هيهات اليوم قبل اي وقت مضى سينقلب السحر على الساحر رغما عن أنفهم بسبب كل ما إقترفوه من شر لا مثيل له لأجل تخدير الأمة وتفكيكها... لم يعلموا جيدا أن أمة محمد رسول الله لها رب عظيم جبار -الله الواحد الأحد الفرد الصمد الذي لم يلد ولم يولد ولم يكن له كفوا أن أحد- انه سينصر عباده الصالحين ولو بعد حين ، وما النصر الا من عند الله العزيز العليم
إني فعلت في حق الاحتلال وداعمبه #المقاطعة في كل شيء

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=360430&lang=AE#vin3Comment-1720375

It is supporting the government by enduring the looting and theft in the name of Taxes and Aid, in the name of support and development, in the name of service and charity ( Buusaa Gonofaa) that led them to ban JIMAA production and intend to evict them.

The patience of our people is the reason for standing in gates, passing each other like shops, looting money, building houses and replacing machines.

"This change has not taken root and those who do not want this change are working to cut the legs of the government and make the people and the government dull hearts together, not the policy of the government. it was their endurance while being tortured beyond their means in the name of party support and donations that brought all this about.

Their patience today for tomorrow's sake, saying, "Let's get up for our mouths," is the worst reason why they are still hungry today and cannot live tomorrow.

"Please those who lead us do not want our evil, do not tolerate our hunger, do not look after our laughter, rejoice in our achievement, rejoice in our loss, seek solutions to our problems, do not invite us to another problem on top of our problems... Ka and they rule us, our own sons, our sons go proud of us, they do not allow us to live proudly, they do not hide our hunger and poverty with their sadomasochism and luxury.

it was their hopes for the wild animals that had entered the city for a good grapefruit that drove them down to a place where they should not be embraced.

For the past thirty years, he has been in the forefront of the regime of the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF/) which has been crushing the heads of the Oromo people with the opdo as a stick by the change of grounding and patience sons
Be voice to voiceless of oromo people in Ethiopia

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=360430&lang=AE#vin3Comment-1720374