Art Of Matatu Kenya

Look, if scheming to suppress information were a crime, Bragg’s case would be very simple: He would have charged Trump with scheming to suppress information.

And if Bragg had evidence that Trump had actually stolen the 2016 election, that would be simple too: He would have charged Trump with crimes that were committed in the lead-up to the 2016 election.

Instead, Bragg has charged business-records falsification on the absurd theory that the way Trump booked NDA payments violated federal campaign laws — even though Bragg, a state prosecutor, has no authority to enforce federal law; and even though the NDA payments were technically not campaign expenditures, which is why the feds did not bring enforcement action against Trump.

It’s not a “ Hush money case” it’s a campaign finance case that’s not a crime

And since he doesn’t have an election-theft crime, Bragg has ludicrously charged as felonies the booking of NDA installment payments that occurred from February through December 2017. You are being asked to suspend common sense and believe that Trump stole an election in 2016 by committing crimes that didn’t happen until the following year.

That’s why they call it the “hush money” trial. From the perspective of Bragg and Democrats, to accurately describe what they’ve alleged would be to see it laughed out of any court that isn’t a kangaroo court.

Andrew C. McCarthy is a former federal prosecutor.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=360486&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1720683

Annie Kemper Yes I do genius., and I don't have to Google it to know where you are going with the character in the play and using it as an analogy Let me use it to my advantage, this joke of a trial and using the legal system as a political weapon to put Trump away is something of a Greek tragedy that Thespis and Shakespeare would have loved what the Democrats are trying to do to Trump. You have it all, hubris, crises, catastrophe, and some type of catharsis or resolution. OH , last word for me genius, The average adult utilizes a vocabulary of 20,000-35,000 words. A fourth grader about 2,600. I think that we cannot expect to get much better from you than what we have now. Must be difficult to live as long as you have with the linguistic level of a six or seven-year-old.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=360486&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1720711

Mariló Costa In terms of my initial post, they are valid issues. Trump should have learned from that. He didn't. That was my main point.

And my point about them using each other is very true.

I also believe that Bill was a good President, and a lousy role model. Hilary was a very good senator and a very good Secretary of State.

But, they were both dogged by decisions they made while in Arkansas. And that is not propaganda. Remember, once you are on the national political stage, appearances do matter.

Now, why are you still carrying a torch for the Clintons? Or, should I say, Hilary?

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=360486&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1720710

Double standard this judge is a flake! Hillary gets away bleaching her computer bill clinton messing around in white house, hunters white powder bag through the back door entrance, Biden’s money from china ukraine !!! Get out of here!!! on and on! It’s too much dishonesty and judges are partisan!! It’s the only way Biden will win by jailing someone! He’s next then! CNN used to be about news it’s a gossip series !who the heck cares!! Let people alone! Every darn night it’s trump ! He’s keeping you all in business! Nothing else for you to talk about!

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=360486&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1720726

Loretta M Cole-Oelbracht lol calling you what you are- misinformed and unhinged is a basic truth.

Lolol Cohen made an agreement - he paid out from proceeds of an equity line he took- he already admitted in other cases he did this without Trumps knowing- he got reimbursed for paying the NDA- none of this is illegal, or proof of any crime no matter how many times you say it over and over in your head.

The funds were reimbursed in 2017- so there’s no “ conspiracy to win election ”… trunp already won.

Lol the payment included what relevant NY taxes would have been- already revieeed by FEC- lol

There’s no crime- because the expenses included attorney fee and cost.

It was assigned legal - Braggs suggests it should have been Campaign- that’s a misdemeanor and most- like Hillary Clinton who’ve done this get a fee.

So the reality that Braggs has twisted a Fed statute into his wet dream idea of a state felony is just embarrassing- and harassment.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=360486&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1720715

Victor Romero Lolol the right to a free and fair trial- free from abuse, from partiality, and prosecutorial malpractice- and none of that is represented here…least of all “ execution of justice” .

Cohen is a convicted liar- a three time perjurer and saying so is the truth. Period.

Finally- the judge has an obligation to be impartial. If there is even a whiff of bias- he’s obligated to recuse. He chose not to which is telling enough, but let’s not delude ourselves that the free speech DEFINING WHY JUDGE IS NOT- is done sort of a crime. Lol and if your like to define the truth as “ threat” then you might be an imbecile. Lollllol

And finally the ability to freely speak and defend one selves from these absurdities is a fundamental right.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=360486&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1720713

Kathy Ward Trump is such a piece of work that he has his supposedly law abiding and patriotic supporters fooled into thinking public attacks on judges and witnesses and jury members is “normal.”

No it’s not - and results bear that out.

As with most Trump aberrant misconduct I thoroughly recommend a reality check to those like yourself- please copy his behavior and speech and see for yourself what happens

Odds are you won’t find yourself charged with 80 felonies but if you DO

Please see where doxing and getting death threats sent to your judge’s daughter gets you

Please violate a gag order by naming and attacking witnesses and jury members

Trump supporters- like their master - write checks with their mouth that their bodies and finances and life circumstances can’t cash

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=360486&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1720720

Trumps presidency was a dumpster fire; so much so that he left office with the lowest approval rating on record (32%). Trump handled the pandemic horribly, had the highest unemployment rate since the Great Depression, added more to our national debt in 4 years than any other President, created the path for the highest inflation in decades, angered our closest allies, divided our country more than any president in a century, overturned over 100 environmental protections that protect our air, water, soil, health, and wildlife just to pad the pockets of huge corporations. We would have voted for a baked potato over Trump.

PS. It’s not normal to idolize or worship political figures like cult members do. Time to take your Confederate and Trump flags off of your beater trucks and rundown trailers..

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=360486&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1720691

Bradley Jumper There’s more than enough chit chat in the financial press.

Suffice it to say the battles today are about how quickly property managers can take down Trump signs from their buildings- not about putting them up.

It’s the kiss of death in business to tie a brand to divisive policies like “Muslim Ban” or “Retribution” or “Mass Deportation”

Consider how Trump brands will do in the growing Southwest and Southern states when he sends militias door to door to find and send 11 million “illegals” to camps

Trump and his followers are already seen as a threat by everyone else - try wearing a red hat to school or church and see

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=360486&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1720724

Gag orders have historically been used to help ensure a fair trial. I have never heard of the defendant having a gag order unless they were threatening witnesses or jurors. The burden of proof lies with the prosecution to prove the guilt of the defendant. The defendant should have every opportunity to prove their innocence including speaking to the media and making public statements. In addition all court proceedings have to be public, meaning the press is allowed to enter the court room, and the transcript of what occurred is also available to the public. I find it rather disturbing that something like a gag order which should be used to protect the defendant, jurors, and witnesses is being used to help the prosecution win their case.

Link: http://www.vin3.org/index.php?c=article&cod=360486&lang=EN#vin3Comment-1720696